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Ama Shallangwa – Grace [Free Mp3]

God knows we are sinners, he knows we mess up, but He loves us still and He wants a relationship with us, so he made provision for Grace.

“Ephesians 2:8 says “for it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”

“The grace of God abounds to all he loves. Our works, our might, our strength and our efforts on their own are not sufficient.

“But it is God’s free gift of grace that makes us go through challenges, hardship, trials, and stress and still come out glorious!

“Being saved by Grace means we have received a gift from God which we do not deserve, despite the fact that we have done nothing to earn it. And now that we have received his Grace, we are made right with God.

“The grace of God is the power we have. Hallelujah!

“I thank my God for his gift and calling upon my life as a singer, I thank him for his leading, his awesome presence, and divine leading in writing down the lyrics of this song.

“I trust that this song will touch lives, and minister to people in a way that they would understand and appreciate the awesome grace God gives to us.” – Ama

Ama, is a dynamic music minister, a worship leader, a singer and songwriter. She is the founder of Ama-zing Harmonies, an Edinburgh based community choir.

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But by your grace we are saved

But by your grace

Verse 1:

We’ve been afflicted in very many ways,

Crushed down but not destroyed.

We are struck now and again,

But by mercy and by your grace

We have been saved

We have been saved


But by your grace we are saved

But by your grace

Verse 2:

We’ve not been promised a life free of pain,

But he promised we will come out strong

His grace is sufficient, we will not faint

Our weakness perfect in his strength


But by your grace we are saved

But by your grace


Your grace speaks mighty things

Your grace brings us from the miry clay

Your grace will give us strength

Your grace is all sufficient

Not by works but by grace

Not by Power by your grace

His grace speaks mighty things

His grace brings us from the miry clay

His grace will give us strength

His grace is all sufficient

Not by works by his grace

Not by Power by his grace


But by your grace we are saved

But by your grace.


Your grace that gives us perfect freedom

Your grace, that frees us from our slavery

Your grace, it liberates us your grace!


Instagram: @AmaShallangwa

Twitter: @AmaZirra

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