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Celebrate Emmanuel – Patricia Emmanuel

Patricia Emmanuel Celebrate Emmanuel

UK based gospel music minister and songwriter Patricia Emmanuel released a new single for Christmas titled “Celebrate Emmanuel.”

The song “Celebrate Emmanuel” is a song from a place of reflection that should remind everyone at Christmas season that, “Emmanuel which means God with us” is the reason we rejoice at Christmas.

Just in time for Christmas, Patricia Emmanuel shares her song to the world as she comes out to say let’s celebrate Emmanuel.

The songwriter is a chorister and children Sunday school teacher in one of the UK parishes of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

Sing O Sing Emmanuel

Shout and Praise Emmanuel
Celebrate Emmanuel
God with us
Verse 1:
Unto us, a child is born

Unto us, a son is given

His shoulders will take on the world
God with us
Sing O Sing Emmanuel

Shout and Praise Emmanuel
Celebrate Emmanuel
God with us
Verse 2:
Go tell the nations A king is born
Go tell the rulers
Their King is here Tell the people

That Jesus lives

God with us
Sing O Sing Emmanuel
Shout and Praise Emmanuel

Celebrate Emmanuel
God with us
Verse 3:
He’s the reason For the season

Tis the season we celebrate

He’s the reason we’re rejoicing
God with us
Sing O Sing Emmanuel
Shout and Praise Emmanuel

Celebrate Emmanuel

God with us
Verse 4:
Halle Halle Emmanuel
Halle Halle Halle Emmanuel
Hallleluia Emmanuel
God with us
Sing O Sing Emmanuel
Shout and Praise Emmanuel
Celebrate Emmanuel
God with us
Sing O Sing Emmanuel
Shout and Praise Emmanuel
Celebrate Emmanuel

God with us
Halle Halle

Halle Halle

Halle Emmanuel
God with us
God with us

God with us
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