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Chissom Anthony Glory to God in the Highest Hits #2 On iTunes Nigeria!
Chissom Anthony

The latest single by Sensational Gospel Music Minister Chissom Anthony titled “Glory to God in the Highest” has hit the number two (#2) on iTunes Nigeria chart!
This song Audio was released on the 13 Jan 2021 and she received a lot of testimonies about the song, Today been the 24th of Jun 2021 she dropped The official video for Glory To God In The Highest! We would like to encourage you to download not just the track but the video itself. This is not just about the song it is about an atmosphere that this amazing gospel singer creates with her lyrics. This is not just another video that we want you to download. It is heavenly, it is spiritual, it is divine. Another reason why the audio and video of this track is a must have on all our devices is because Chissom Anthony is spiritually minded. She is so spiritual that you can literally tell in the songs she sings, the way she carries herself and in the manner with which she speaks.
The iTunes Nigeria chart reviews the most played and downloaded singles in Nigeria and it is updated in real time. “Glory To God In The Highest ” is Chissom Anthony 2nd release for the year. It came from her debut Album Glory To God In The Highest