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Daddy Sax Release New song “AMAZING GRACE”

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Download Daddy Sax Amazing Grace

A fast rising gospel singer, Saxophonist, keyboardist  Daddy Sax Released a brand new song titled Amazing grace

A sound inspired by the holy spirit and conceived out from a deep reflection of God’s unending, unfailing and undying love towards us his elect.

Pastor Lawrence Abraham is a highly talented and spirit- filled fast rising gospel singer, Saxophonist, keyboardist  and a performing artist popularly known as DADDY SAX.
He recorded his first album “Fulfilment Vol1”. (Awimayehun) Which gave him audience form and he is being featured in many programmes and concerts and later recorded his second album “Fulfilment Vol2”. ( Praise) and later “Fulfilment Vol3”. (Hymns).
 Daddy sax brings his quirky humour to his music, as well as the ability to tug at your heart strings with his more serious songs and his melodies stay in your head long after you have heard them.

Daddy Sax Amazing Grace


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