We are glad to inform you that you can download all the messages, audio sermons and worship songs delivered at the congress right here on this page. All you need do is to click on any of the below titles, the download will start in less than 2 seconds. Don’t forget to share this page for others too to be able to download these soul-enriching teachings.
Audio Messages from RCCG HOLY GHOST CONGRESS 2021
Day 1 (Monday)
Day 2 (Tuesday)
To be uploaded after the service on Tuesday…
Day 3 (Wednesday)
To be uploaded after the service on Tuesday…
Day 4 (Thursday)
To be uploaded after the service on Tuesday…
Day 5 (Friday)
To be uploaded after the service on Tuesday…
Day 6 (Saturday)
To be uploaded after the service on Tuesday…
Day 7 (Sunday)
To be uploaded after the service on Tuesday…
Song Ministrations from RCCG HOLY GHOST CONGRESS 2021
- To be uploaded later…