Download Blessings Ng – Jesus Has The Final Say || Audio & Video @I_am_Blessings

Nigeria Female Gospel Singer, praise/worship leader, Blessings Ng, releases a brand new, heartfelt, song of prayer titled ” Jesus Has The Final Say” off her forthcoming EP “I’m So Grateful.”
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord(Revelation 1:8)
The doctor has just told you that you have an incurable disease. The X-rays and blood tests confirm it. Your worst fears have come true and you feel like your future has been sealed.
My friend, the doctor’s report is not final. Jesus declares to you, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.” (Revelation 1:8) He has the first word as well as the final word in your situation. The experts and medical reports don’t!
Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. But Jesus did not speak Greek. He spoke Aramaic or Hebrew. So He would have said, “I am the Aleph and the Tav.” Aleph and tav are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. So what Jesus is declaring to us is this: “I have the first word in your situation. And I have the final word in your situation!
[ddownload id=”6558″]
Connect With Blessings NG
Twitter: @I_am_Blessings
Instagram: @OfficialBlessings