DOWNLOAD MP3: BUY THE FUTURE PART 2 By Mensa Otabil(sermon)

In the subsequent series, pastor Mensa Otabil exposed the fault in the consumption mentality among men which wages war against sustainable development in visionless generations. God has blessed the world with all that is enough to make all creatures fulfill the prophecies of multiplication, increase and flourishing in the land of living. Nevertheless, Some part of the world are still astigmatic to the potentials that dwell in the resources they possess in abundance and this has rendered such nations beggars and despisers of precious provisions. Have you ever wondered why some nations of the world are feeding other nations that have more resources and natural endowment than they have but couldn’t make best use of the resources? It all boils down to the effect of myopic thinking. Download this message bellow to learn how to buy your future while making the most use of your present days.