DOWNLOAD MP3: COME UP HITHER By Apostle Jonathan Shekwonya (sermon)

The awareness of one’s light brightens one’s whole life. As it was written “For I know the kind of thought I have towards you, the thought of good and not of evil to give you an expected end”. God’s ultimate desire for us as His masterpieces is always to fulfil His blessings of dominion over all other things He has made. No wonder Jesus said “whatsoever you ask in my name believe that it will be given to you by my father in heaven”.
In this series, Apostle Jonathan Shekwonya extensively explained the calling to “COME UP HITHER”. There he explained that God has not called us as children to be miserable and neither has Jesus called us as disciple to be beggars. But that we have been called into the marvelous light to enjoy the topmost experience not only spiritually, academically, physically but also financially. To know how you can fully enjoy the promise of being the head always download this message below.