DOWNLOAD MP3: Endued With Power by Apostle Edu Udechukwu (Sermon)

Obedience to this last command of Jesus was to be the key to success in every endeavor to preach the glad tidings. Obedience to this last command of Jesus is the missing factor in the church today. Enduement with Power – What does it mean to be endued with power? To understand what it means to be endued with power we will begin by looking at what it does not mean. To be endued with power does not mean to receive the Holy Spirit. It is possible to have received the Holy Spirit and not be endued with Power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, The enduement with power is an experience that was to come after that the Holy Ghost is come. The Holy Ghost was to come first, and then after the Holy Ghost comes there was to be another experience of being endued with Power.
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