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DOWNLOAD MP3: FAMILY HANGOUT By Pastor Mrs. Faith Oyedepo(sermon)

This is a message on the importance of knowing God’s will in marriage so as to be able to stand out in this corrupt and confused generation. Marriage is a good thing when two right minds selflessly agreed to live together, plan together and do other meaningful things together for the rest of their lives. God almighty instituted marriage on the conclusion that “It is not enough for a man to be alone, so I will make a helper for him”. As human beings, we are social beings, therefore there is always a pressing need for us to socialize and relate with other people to meet some of our needs. However, as pleasant and desirable marriage could be, when a good mind is yoked with a wrong mind the helper may become the pain in the flesh while on the other hand the one to be helped made himself a task master. It is not enough to find someone to eat with, have intercourse with or just live with, Marriage is finding a partner with a good mind with whom you two can make one your minds to form one body. To know how you can make Godly choice in marriage and have the right person in your life, Download this message below.

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