DOWNLOAD MP3: FRUITFULNESS by Pastor Ife Adetona (Chant)

In this sermon it was revealed that Fruitfulness is a state of being extremely productive, fruitfulness is every man heritage. Fruitfulness begins with God himself, who creates land with the capacity to produce plants and trees which bear fruit, who blesses animals to be fruitful and multiply, and who calls on human beings created in his image to be fruitful and increase in number. That original mandate has to do with building families, growing crops and breeding animals essentially cultivating creation. Sadly, the expectation that Adam and Eve would spread God’s blessing from Eden to the whole world is shattered when they disobey God and are expelled from the garden. But as Genesis continues, so the promise of fruitfulness is reiterated to Noah after the flood, and to Abraham and his family, where numerical growth of the people is bound up with God’s covenant with them, for the sake of blessing all nations, Then, after the covenant at Sinai, the promises are linked to the people’s obedience to God in the Promised Land, as God’s ‘vine’ planted there.
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