DOWNLOAD MP3: Knowing God Experientially Part 1 to 3 by Apostle Michael OROKPO (Sermon)

The moment you gave your life to Christ was the day God became your God. Those who know their God will be strong and do exploits. God can be your God and you will still be overrun by sin, sickness, poverty and all other troubles of life. Strength and exploit is a function of the knowledge of God. So anyone who does not know their God, the aforementioned things is likely to overrun them. Challenges in your life is a testimony of areas of ignorance in your life not the testimony of the absence of God. Hosea 4:6 “My people perish for the lack of knowledge.” Making the most of your life, is a function of the knowledge of God. The knowledge of God is our greatest assets as a believer and any believer that does not have a knowledge of God will be in crisis. There are ways that you can have a knowledge of God, so download this series of teachings to know how.
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