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DOWNLOAD MP3: Prophetic Insights Into God’s Agenda by Apostle Joshua Selman (Sermon)

DOWNLOAD MP3: KINGDOM WEALTH SUMMIT Part 1 by Apostle Joshua Selman (Sermon) 1

Prophetic Insights Into God’s Agenda is a sermon meant for every believer to get insight from God through the help of the holy spirit, Paul said the Corinthian church that “eyes has not seen, ears has not heard what God has in store for us” This means no dimension of the prophetic eye before now will be able to access these prophetic archives housing the mysteries that have been hidden from the church because these archives will remain under lock and key until the appointed time hence, there is a need to cry unto God for an opening of the seal so that those things that have been hidden aforetime, that even great prophets couldn’t access will be revealed. This seal will open only when certain men defy the status quo and begin to press for God to open their eyes and show or reveal the hidden mysteries to them. Jesus told us when the Holy Ghost comes, He (The Holy Spirit) will Show and guide us into all truth. The Bible tells us that there are certain mysteries that have been hidden from the church (these mysteries are appointed for a kind and a type of people).

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