DOWNLOAD MP3: THE MAN GOD USES by Apostle Joshua Selman (Sermon)

THE MAN GOD USES by Apostle Joshua Selman
In this sermon it was revealed that there are some qualities common with men God uses, praying to be used by God is a costly request, but it is not impossible. He went ahead to list some of the qualities that make a man fit for God’s use. A man God uses, Is a man who has but one purpose in life, Is a man who by God’s grace has removed every hindrances from his life, Is a man who places himself absolutely at God’s disposal, Is a man who had learnt how to prevail in prayer, Is a man who is a student of the scriptures, Is a man who has a vital living message for the lost world, the message Christ died for our sins, God so much love the world and the message of the cross, Is a man of faith who expects results, Is the man who walks in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
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