God gives strength, act as a stronghold, brings peace, gives rest, and delivers His children from the enemy. Praying these promises of God equips us with what we need to endure. Our faith is also strengthened as we remember all the times God has shown up for His people in the past. Some decisions we make can permanently affect us and our loved ones. How can we make wise choices? The Bible says: “If any one of you is lacking in wisdom [especially in dealing with trials], let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching, and it will be given him. If we pray for wisdom, God can use his holy spirit to guide us to make wise decisions. In fact, we can specifically ask for Holy Spirit because Jesus assures us that “the Father in heaven [will] give holy spirit to those asking him. The following are benefits of praying Peace of mind, Comfort from God, Guidance to make wise decisions, help to avoid temptation, Forgiveness of sins, A way to help others, Encouragement when prayers are answered.
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