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Dunsin Oyekan We Worship You Lyrics

We Worship YouWe Worship YouOh GodWe Worship YouOh GodWe Worship You
We Worship YouWe Worship YouOh GodWe Worship YouOh GodWe Worship You
We Worship YouWe Worship YouOh GodWe Worship YouOh GodWe Worship You
We Worship YouWe Worship YouOh GodWe Worship YouOh GodWe Worship You
HallelujahHallelujahOh GodHallelujahOh GodHallelujah
HallelujahHallelujahOh GodHallelujah(That’s all I have to say) Oh GodHallelujah
HallelujahOh GodHallelujah(My soul sings Hallelujah that’s all I have to say)HallelujahMy GodHallelujah
HallelujahOh GodHallelujah
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