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Dunsin Oyekan – With Joy Lyrics

Lift up your heads, oh you gatesAnd let the King of Glory come inLift up your heads, oh you gatesAnd let the King of Glory come in
The King is here, no need to fearIn a moment, all sorrows are goneThe King is here, no need to fretIn a moment, all sicknesses are goneThe King is here, no need to fearIn a moment, all sorrows are goneThe King is here, no need to fretIn a moment, all sicknesses are gone
With joy, we draw from the wellWith joy, we draw from the well of salvationWith joy, we draw, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujah, with joyWith joy, we draw from the wellWith joy, we draw from the well of salvationWith joy, we draw, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujah, with joy
The King is here, no need to fearIn a moment, all sorrows are goneThe King is here, no need to fretIn a moment, all sicknesses are goneThe King is here, no need to fearIn a moment, all sorrows are goneThe King is here, no need to fretIn a moment, all sicknesses are gone
With joy, we draw from the wellWith joy, we draw from the well of salvationWith joy, we draw, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujah, with joyWith joy, we draw from the wellWith joy, we draw from the well of salvationWith joy, we draw, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujah, with joyWith joy, we draw from the wellWith joy, we draw from the well of salvationWith joy, we draw, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujah, with joyWith joy, we draw from the wellWith joy, we draw from the well of salvationWith joy, we draw, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujah, with joy
Joy in the Holy GhostJoy in the Holy GhostJoy in the Holy GhostJoy in the Holy GhostJoy in the Holy GhostJoy in the Holy GhostJoy in the Holy GhostJoy in the Holy GhostJoy in the Holy GhostDance in the Holy GhostDance in the Holy GhostDance in the Holy GhostDance in the Holy Ghost
Never lose your joyJoy is a fetcherNever lose your joyJoy is a fetcherNever lose your joyJoy is a fetcherNever lose your joyJoy is a fetcher
Never lose your joyJoy is a fetcherNever lose your joyJoy is a fetcherNever lose your joyJoy is a fetcherI won’t lose my joyI won’t lose my joyI won’t lose my joyI won’t lose my joyI won’t lose my joyI won’t lose my joyI won’t lose my joyI won’t lose my joyI won’t lose my joyI won’t lose my joy
Joy comes in the morning
Joy comes in the morningJoy comes in the morningJoy comes in the morningJoy comes in the morningJoy comes in the morningJoy comes in the morningJoy comes in the morningJoy comes in the morningJoy comes in the morningJoy comes in the morningJoy comes in the morningJoy comes in the morning
It will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dreamIt will do you like a dream
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