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Ignorance does not only mean total lack of information, it also means lack of the appropriate information. Ignorance does not only mean total lack of information, it also means lack of the appropriate information. There are many opinions from different sources about when to call the end time, what the signs of the end time are? What one can really call sin and that which is not a sin? God told us to be perfect as he is perfect, But how can we reach perfection when we don’t have the accurate knowledge to distinguish that which is right and which is displeasure to God in this confusing world? Whose fault do you think it will be, when God judge most things that are being taught as the truth now? Will the fault be pass onto to those who circulate the false teaching or will the fault be labeled on the head of those who believe the lies? Whichever way it turns, will life worth living after your toil and struggles here on earth? To have sound knowledge of the principles of God’s word relating Sins and Cleansing download this message below.

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