Epraiz – Invisible God |Free Mp3 Download

Fire brand Gospel music minister and worship leader, Emeka Igwe Popularly Known as Epraiz releases a great worship tune titled Invisible God
The fact that we can see God is well attested to by the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:20, “For the invisible things of God are clearly seen.” Now, that sounds like a contradiction. He is saying that which is invisible can be clearly seen, because they are understood by the things which are made, even His eternal power, “so that they are without excuse.” How do we see God? We see Him by the law of cause and effect. The wind is seen by its effects on the ocean waves, the fluttering leaves on a tree, or swaying fields of grain. We see God in creation. One Christian writer has well said, “By their numberless multitude, their orderly grouping in constellations, their continual, yet never conflicting movements, their perfect harmony, and their mutual, benign influence, do the shining hosts of heaven declare the glory of God, by day and by night.”
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