Abuja base gospel music minister, Song writer, worshiper and international businesswoman; Funmi Taiwo after several years of working in God’s vineyard and still on it as a choir member, Music director with RCCG, Instructor is set to bless her generation with God’s word and prophesy through songs.
According to Funmi, the song ‘Mercy’ was written during her quiet season with God, It’s a song that reassures the listener about the amazing works of God in their life on a daily basis.
Funmi Taiwo is currently working on her first ever album that will be out on the street anytime soon.
[easy_media_download url=”https://cloudup.com/files/ihoCy1R_jnZ/download”]
Connect with Funmi Taiwo via her social handles
Facebook: @funmitaiwomusic
Instagram: @funmitaiwomusic
Tiktok: @funmitaiwomusic
Subscribe to youtube: @funmitaiwomusic