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I Depend – WisdomWonderful

You can’t do anything except you DEPEND on God…. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I DEPEND is a song birthed from the in-depth heart of the HolySprirt, loaded with powerful day to day prayer every believer must pray before doing anything. If you have a wonderful space above the sky YOU NEED GOD for without him You can do NOTHING….. 

Gospel Music Minister WisdomWonderful is here with another debut single (I DEPEND)… dishing out his best for you guys more is coming, Sing along…. Now am leaving this place today, I pray for your Grace today I need your presence today Angels follow me today ….Let favor be mine today

[ddownload id=”6429″]


Men will disappoint 
But you never not even once 
Men do disappoint 
But you never 
Not even once 

Now am leaving this place today 
I pray for your grace today 
I need your presence today 
Angels follow me today 
Let favor be mine today 
And my Labor not be in vain 
My life add flavor and gain 
All this I ask from you again

Call:    For My life depend on you God 
Res:     I depend on you God 
C:         My soul depend on you God 
C:          My Destiny depend on you God 
C:          My coast depend on you God 

You are my God my maker 
Without you nobody called Wisdom 
You are the pillar that holds my life 
You are Good in all your ways
One with you is a Majority 
Everything about you is perfect 
You are perfect in all your way…… 
Let favor be mine today 
And my Labor not be in vain 
My life add flavor and gain 
All this I ask from you again
Call:  The air I breathe depend on you God 
Res:  I depend on you God 
C.      The step I take, depend the depend on 
          you God hoo
C:     I can’t do anything without you God hoo
C:     I can’t think I can’t dream I can’t achieve anything without you without you without you 
     Everything I have depend on you God….eh
   Everything I own depend on you God ho ho
    On Christ the solid rock I stand eh eh 
   All other ground other ground are sinking sand hooooo
  Everything I have depend on you God 
  Jesus the very living word of God 
  I depend on you God 

Jesus the word of God 
I depend 
I depend on you

Ending Adlip 

Men will disappoint….. 
Men will disappoint 
Men will surely disappoint 
They do disappoint 
Men will disappoint 
You never disappoint your own children 
C E O of my life 
(men will disappoint but you never not even once) you never never disappoint your own children enh enh… 
Ho Ho Ho Ho 
Men will disappoint but you never not even once 
Hun hun Hnhhhhhnnnn
I depend on you

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