All Nigerian Gospel Music
Israel Odebode – ”Just Move” Mp3 Download
Download Israel Odebode - ''Just Move''

Israel Odebode returns with another powerful live recording titled – ”Just Move”, the Heavenly dose comes after his first project for the 2022 music year – ”Come Alive”.
Sharing the insight behind the new song, Israel Odebode shares:
”From all signs around the world, there is a rising, and a stirring in the atmosphere, a great awakening. This is the fulfillment of the scripture.
One of the depths from which this song was birthed was from the scripture Acts 1:4-5, where Jesus told the disciples: “On one occasion, while he was eating with them, He gave them this command: “DO NOT LEAVE Jerusalem, BUT WAIT for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.
For John was baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Experiencing the move of His Spirit requires WAITING. God is pouring out His Spirit in this end time season.”
”Just Move” is one song you want to always use to press in!
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