Now Out, Renowned Christian artist Jonathan Nelson drops a new mp3 single + it’s official music video titled Redeemed
Stay blessed as you stream and Download this amazing mp3 audio single for free and don’t forget to drop your comment using the comment box below thanks.
Jonathan Nelson Redeemed Lyrics
[Chorus] {I am redeemed
I am redeemed
No more chains are,
Holding me, I am free
I am redeemed
I am redeemed
No more chains are,
Holding me, I am free} [x2] [Verse] I am free
Praise the lord I am free
No longer bound,
No more chains holding me
My soul is resting
It’s just the blessing
Praise the lord Hallelujah
I am Free
Of the lord, Say so
Let the redeemed
Of the lord, Say so
Let the redeemed
Of the lord, Say so
Say so, Say so,
(l am redeemed) I am redeemed
I’ve been made free
(So) So, Say so, Say so,
(l am redeemed) I am redeemed
I’ve been made free
(So) So, Say so, Say so,
I am redeemed
I’ve been made (free) Free
I’m, I am free
I am I am (I am, I am)
(I am I am)
No longer bound I am
(I am I am)
I’ve been washed
In the Blood of Jesus
(I am I am)
You’ve been washed
In the Blood of Jesus
(I am I am)
His Blood has made you free
(I am I am)
Hey, hey , hey, hey (I am I am)
I am , I am (I am I am)
You’re, you’re (I am I am) [Outro] I am redeemed
I am redeemed
No more chains are,
Holding me, I am free
(I am I am) [Loop] Nobody, but Jesus did it
(I am I am)
You have been made Free
(I am I am)