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Music + Lyrics: Kay-D ft. Arike Ade – Your Name

Kay-D ft. Arike Ade – Your Name

Download Kay-D ft. Arike Ade – Your Name

Fast-rising gospel artist “KAY-D” just dropped a sensational single which he titles “YOUR NAME” featuring ARIKE ADE. The track “YOUR NAME” is a song of praise inspired by the power in God’s name. KAY-D is a Songwriter/Gospel artist with much love for the Christ-life, He sees music as not just a career but a ministry through which souls are ministered to and brought to Christ.

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Kay-D ft. Arike Ade – Your Name

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Lyrics of Your Name


Your name is great, oh precious Father

Your mercy keeps me going

Only in You I find redemption

My shield, in You I’m safe

Oh my shield, in You I’m safe

Verse 1

Every day, Every night

You have been there to answer me

Through tribulations of Life

Your name I call to restore peace

From time to time, when I call on your name


Your name is great, oh precious Father

Your mercy keeps me going

Only in You I find redemption

My shield, in You I’m safe

Oh my shield, in You I’m safe

Verse 2

You are the mighty God

Adonai Adonai

Excellent is your name

Way maker, strong tower


Your name I’ll call to restore peace


Your name is great, oh precious Father

Your mercy keeps me going

Only in You I find redemption

My shield, in You I’m safe

Oh my shield, in You I’m son

Instagram: @Da_Real_Kay_D

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