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Kunle Olusesi Premieres ”Shemot El Elyon” (The Most High God) Mp3 Download

Prophetic psalmist, messianic and shofar worship minister – Kunle Olusesi presents his newest single titled – “Shemot El Elyon” (The Name, Most High God).

The song expresses names and character of God through our individual encounters with Him, these names are our highest cry of worship to God.

This messianic worship flows ceaselessly like spring water, bringing hope to the dispirited, empowering the powerless, and pouring life unto a perched soul.

+++Forever El Elyon, El Olam, Elohim, Adonai, Jehovah, Rapha, Shammah, Mekoddishkem, Sabaoth, is HIS name+++

Kunle is anointed and equipped to blow the ancient Jewish worship instrument Shofar to awaken the body of Christ and to the ends of the earth. When he blows the shofar in worship gatherings, there is evidence of God’s power.

Kunle’s focus and the beat of his heart is to use his musical gift from God, to win souls to Jesus Christ, spread the revelation of the power of sound to heal, and to deliver and set people free as he releases his sound of worship to many of the world’s most impactful ministries.

Kunle Olusesi spreads the revelation of the power of sound to heal, deliver and set people free as he travels with his beautiful wife – Peace, and their four children.


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