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Mojisola Adegbite – Bless the Lord

Mojisola Adegbite Bless the Lord
Download Mojisola Adegbite Bless the Lord Mp3
Bless the Lord” was inspired from Psalm 20. In these perilous and uncertain times, it encourages us to indulge in praising God as an expression of our trust in Him to save, keep and deliver us.
With the strange happenings in the world, including the Covid19  pandemic, fearful and perilous times which proved abortive trusts in human intelligence and strength, we are reminded that the name of the Lord only is our hope and refuge from the storms.
The name of the Lord is our shield and buckler.
Mojisola Adegbite is a seasoned minister of the Lord, in teachings, preaching and songs.
“Bless the Lord” is from her recently released EP “You Are God”.

Download Mojisola Adegbite Bless the Lord Mp3

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Watch “Bless the Lord” official video below;

Get “You are God” EP Here:
 Mojisola Adegbite Bless the Lord Mp3 LYRICS
Some trusts in chariots
And some in horses
But we will remember
The name of the Lord
They are brought down and fallen
But we are risen
For the Lord is with us
We won’t be shaken
Call & Response;
Ten thousand tongues
Ten thousand tongues
All that I have
All that I have
Are not enough
To praise Your name
Your name is glorious
Your name is glorious
Your name is wonderful
Your name is wonderful
O! All ye people
Come bless His name.
Bless the Lord
O my soul
Bless the Lord O my soul
And all within me
Bless His holy name
When we are worn
When we are frightened
Our hope and shelter is the name of the Lord
You calm the storm and the wind
You said, ‘Peace, be still’
We all sail to the church with captain of our ship
Jehovah Jireh
Jehovah Nissi
Jehovah Elohim
Jehovah Adonai
Jehovah Rapha
Jehovah El Shaddai
Connect with Mojisola Adegbite
Twitter: @MojisolaAdegbi2
Instagram: mojiadegbiteministries
AudioMack: Mojiadegbite Ministries
YouTube: Mojiadegbiteministrie
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