[Music] My Daddy – Perez Pereene

No greater love than the Father’s (God’s) love. His love knows no bounds. The song ‘My Daddy’ is an Afro gospel that speaks of His love and Fatherhood to us, His children.
It is an anthem for God’s children all over the world
Perez Pereene is a spirit filled and energetic music minister, who loves to sing God’s praises and finds joy doing so.
He believes that the power of praise lies in the exaltation of God and God alone. On August 2023, as instructed by God, Perez raised an altar of praise tagged ‘David’s Altar Of Praise’. With his team, he offered praise/worship to God, 7 times a day, for 31 days. Through his obedience, lives were changed, transformed, and many were inspired to live a life of devoted praise and worship to God.
His favourite scripture is Matt. 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”