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Nathaniel Bassey Come, Lord Come Lyrics

Come, Lord comeCome and captivate my heartOnce again Lord JesusStay, stayStay and reign in Your houseIt is Yours for ever more
Come, Lord comeCome and captivate my heartOnce again Lord JesusStay, Lord stayStay and reign in Your houseIt is Yours for everDraw meOh and I’ll run to YouAnd hold meWith Your loving arms LordAnd I’ll cleave to You alone
Come, Lord comeCome and captivate my heartOnce again Lord JesusStayStayStay and reign in Your houseIt is Yours for ever
Draw meOh and I’ll run to YouHold meWith Your loving armsAnd I’ll cleave to YouAlone
Come, Lord comeCome and captivate my heartOnce again Lord JesusStayStayStay and reign in Your houseIt is Your for ever more
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