Nathaniel Bassey – Nothing Without Love Lyrics
Nathaniel Bassey – Nothing Without Love

Nothing Without Love Lyrics By Nathaniel Bassey
Though I speak with tongues of men and that of Angels
Prophesy and comprehend the deepest truths
Though I have the faith to move the greatest mountains
But I am nothing, I’m nothing without love
I need Your love Jesus
I need Your love Sweet Jesus
I’m just a sounding brass and a rolling cymbal without Your love
I need Your love Jesus
Teach me to love
For I am nothing, I’m nothing without love
Dada da da da da a taaa
Though I sing with voice of men and that of angels
Write the finest songs and get the loudest cheer
Though I sing and play the way that King David did
Oh… I am nothing, I am nothing without love
Oh so I need your love Oh Jesus
I need Your love Jesus
I’m just a sounding brass and a rolling cymbal without your love
Uhhh oh
I need Your love Lord yea…
Teach me to love You oh…
For I am nothing, I’m just nothing without love
Oh Your love is beautiful
It believes in everything
It’s humble, patient, gentle and so tender
Where there be prophesies, knowledge and the gift of tongues
Everything will fade away but Your love will never fail, eh
For you are love Yourself and forever You remain
So Jesus help me to love You…
For I am nothing, I’m nothing without love
Oh… oh oh