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Onos Ariyo – Alagbara

Onos Ariyo Alagbara

Download Onos Ariyo Alagbara

Alagbara by Onos Ariyo is one of the songs that redefined worship in Nigeria this year. It’s a deep worship song. That kind of song that sends shiver down your body every time you hear it. Sung partly English partly Yoruba. Succinctly delivered by a WORSHIPER in Capital letters.

Onos Ariyo Alagbara

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Video : Alagbara by Onos Ariyo

Alagbara Lyrics by Onos Ariyo

[Verse 1]
The bread of life is from You, The Bread of life is You
Mountains bow before You
All the angels worship You

Ooh ooh.. Yeah, Lord we honour You
Ooh ooh.. Yeah, Great and Mighty King

Alagbara, You are the Mighty God
Eyin Latobiju, You are the Glorious God

Alagbara, You are the Mighty God
Eyin latobiju, You are the Glorious God

[Verse 2]
My help in ages past, My hope for years to come
Jesus You are, Saviour of the world
Ooh ooh.. Yeah, Lord we honour You
Ooh ooh.. Yeah, Great and Mighty King

Alagbara, You are the Mighty God
Eyin Latobiju, You are the Glorious God

Alagbara, You are the Mighty God
Eyin Latobiju, You are the Glorious God

Alagbara, You are the Mighty God
Eyin Latobiju, You are the Glorious God

Alagbara, You are the Mighty God
Eyin Latobiju, You are the Glorious God

Alagbara ni yin Ologo julo le je
Alagbara ni yin Ologo julo le je

Alagbara, You are the Mighty God
Eyin Latobiju, You are the Glorious God

Alagbara, You are the Mighty God
Eyin Latobiju, You are the Glorious God

Alagbara, You are the Mighty God
Eyin Latobiju, You are the Glorious God

Alagbara, You are the Mighty God
Eyin Latobiju, You are the Glorious God

Alagbara ni yin Ologo julo le Je
Alagbara ni yin Ologo julo le Je

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