Minister Osita Peter wraps up the year with a new song ‘Testify’
The new single is a call to count all the numerous blessings of the Lord and express gratitude.
Count your blessings name them one by one…
“O give thanksgiving unto the Lord… make known His deeds among the people … talk ye of His wondrous works” Psalm 105 :1-3
Everyday is a testament of the goodness of God. The gift of breath and life, salvation of your soul, liftings, provisions, blessings, healings, miracles, promotions, elevations, pleasant surprises, victories….
Let’s praise, dance and celebrate JESUS with thanksgiving and joy “You may not be where you want to be but you are not where you used to be”
Testify! Your testimony is a prophecy to you and everyone that hear it.
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Iam counting my blessings plenty plenty
Testimonies many many
Join me shout hallelujah
Aka Chukwu
Aka ya ne memma
Pastor! give me chance
I get my testimony
Two minutes
Give me chance I get my testimony
Testify testify allow me make I testify
He has done so much for me
He has turned my life around
He gave me victory
I cannot tell it all
He has changed my story
From glory to glory
Aka Chukwu
Akaya ne me nma
Iam counting my blessings plenty plenty
Testimonies many many
Join me shout hallelujah
Aka Chukwu
Aka ya ne memma
Hallelu hallelu hallelujah
Praise the Lord4x
Aka Chukwu Aka Ya ne me Nma
She na money
She na children
E get many many things weh you give me
I dey your beneficiary list oh oh
I come back to testify
Okwa Gi bu Onye ne me nma
Aka Chukwu Aka Ya ne me Nma
Iam counting my blessings plenty plenty
Testimonies many many
Join me shout hallelujah
Aka Chukwu
Aka ya ne memma
Aaaha eye eye
Thank You Jesus
You have done it again
Aaaha eye eye
Aka Chukwu
Akaya ne memma