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Paul Tomisin – Judah Mp3 Download

Judah is a song of praise, a declaration of God’s identity to and through us! Paul Tomisin says “Judah being one of the sons of Jacob has a covenanted we call and declare JUDAH over our the nations, over our lives, health, and families.


We’ve seen our dead come back to lifeWe see the lame come walk againYou do and this much more Oh God
We’ve seen you fight our battles lordWe’ve seen you win our battles lordOh God!
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We’ve seen you wipe our tears with joyWe’ve seen you cloth our shame with fameYou do this and much more Oh God
We’ve heard your news and here we areWe open our heart to youTo do this and much more Oh God
You PrevailYou PrevailLion of Judah You Prevail
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