Rccg Fasting and Prayer November 2020 pdf [ Prayer Points From – Day 1 to Day 30

Rccg Fasting and Prayer November 2020 pdf
“For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts.” Haggai 2:6-7.
Glory, according to Prov. 3:35, is the opposite of shame. If there is any time when we need God to fill our Nations with Glory and remove all kinds of shameful situation that we are battling with, now is that time. A nation full of God’s glory is what we all desire.
RCCG November 2020 Fasting And Prayer Points – Day 1
A nation bound in freedom, peace, unity and righteousness, where no man is oppressed is the desire of everyone. Nigeria is a blessed country ordained to be a leader amongst the advanced countries. Many Nigerians in Diaspora are daily contributing to the development of other nations in areas of Science, Technology, Medicine, ICT, and many others. This is a clearevidence of her great potentials. More significantly is her position in the fulfillment of the end time prophesy and the great Commission. (Matt28:19-20). By the grace of God our Nation would be filled with the glory of God afresh even as we fast and pray again this time.
The following are some guidelines and prayer points that will be helpful during the period of fasting from Tuesday 3rd November to Wednesday 2nd December, 2020 declared by our father in the Lord; The General Overseer, Pastor E.A. Adeboye. These prayer points are not exhaustive, take time daily to give God quality praise and thanksgiving with your other requests. We are to recite the Daily Prophetic prayers after each day session. May you be blessed in Jesus name.
Our daily declaration during the period of fasting and prayer.
1. Nigeria; you will arise and shine again, for thy light is come.
2. All Prophesies of glory about Nigeria shall come to fulfilment in Jesus name.
3. I will eat the good of the land of Nigeria in Jesus name.
4. When the glory of Nigeria shall appear I and my family shall not disappear.
5. I thank you father for your good plan for Nigeria and answer to our prayers.
BIBLE TEXT: 1Thess. 5:18
INTRODUCTION: Giving thanks to God is obeying the commandment of God which says in everything we must give thanks
1. Let us thank God for His mercy over Nigeria. Lam 3:22
2. Let us thank God for His faithfulness over Nigeria. Isaiah 25:1.
3. Let us thank God for His grace over Nigeria, Eph. 2:8
4. Let us thank God for His love for Nigeria, John 3:16.
5. Let us thank God for His goodness over Nigeria. Psalms 136:1.
6. Let us thank God for His protection over Nigeria, Prov. 30:5.
7. Let us thank God for His daily provision. Ps. 103:5.
8. Let us thank God for defending Nigeria. Isaiah 37:35.
9. Let us thank God for preserving Nigeria.
10. Let us thank God for His covenant over Nigeria. Isaiah 55:3.
11. Let us thank God for His good plan for Nigeria, Jeremiah 29:11.
12. Let us thank God for His light that is shining over Nigeria, Gen. 1:3.
13. Let us thank God for He alone has the final say over Nigeria, Psalms33:11, Isaiah 43:13.
14. Let us thank God for healing Nigeria, Psalms 103:3.
15. Let us thank God for a new Nigeria.
16. Let us thank God for His promise of carrying us on his eagle’s wing.
17. Let us thank God for the new thing that will begin to manifest. Isaiah 43:19.
18. Let us thank God for the storm that is disappearing and the calmness that is taking over Nigeria.
19. Let us thank God for His peace that is taking over Nigeria
20. Let us thank God for the wind of positive change that is blowing.
EXODUS 15: 26,2 CHRONICLES 7:14.
INTRODUCTION: Sins come with consequences which hurt a lot. The consequences are wounds which can be spiritual, emotional, physical or financial. Only God has the ability to heal all kinds of wounds (Exod. 15:26). Many are wounded already and we need God to heal us individually and as a nation at this moment as we pray to him.
1. Father we thank you because you have the power to heal all manner of wounds.
2. Father we thank you for your mercy that endures forever. 2 Chronicles 5:13
3. Father we repent of all our past errors committed as leaders and followers in this nation in Jesus name.
4. Father we repent of all sins of adultery, idolatry, ritual, looting, kidnaping, killing etc. and let your blood cleans us in Nigeria in Jesus name. 1John 1:9
5. Father, heal every individual that is wounded by your stripe in Jesus name. Isaiah 53:5
6. Father, heal our nation Nigeria of all wounds in the mighty name of Jesus.
7. Father, release the spirit of humility upon this nation, that we will always acknowledge your supremacy in all area in Jesus name. 2 Chronicles 7:14
8. Father, please heal our nation Nigeria as you did in Jericho, in Jesus name.
9. Father, release the spirit of obedience upon all citizens of this nation in Jesus name. Ezekiel 36:27
10. Father, release abundance grace for us in Nigeria to be separated unto you Lord in Jesus name.
11. Father, please heal all the nations in the world that are wounded in Jesus name. Rev. 22:2
12. Father we come against every evil altar polluting our land. All evil altars be wasted in Jesus name. Haggai 2:22
13. Lord of host; let your fire consume all evil altars in any part of Nigeria in Jesus name.
14. Every Inherited strange behaviour and habits in our lives working against our spiritual revival be destroyed in Jesus name. Jeremiah 31:29
15. Father, contend with any power contending with the fulfilment of your purpose in Nigeria in Jesus name. Isaiah 49:25
16. Every evil covenant working against Nigeria is broken by the blood of Jesus.
17. Father, restore the glory of Nigeria that was lost in Jesus name.
18. We command every mountain or obstruction on our path to new Nigeria, become plain now in Jesus name. Isaiah 40:4
19. Father, restore greatness, progress and unity to Nigeria in Jesus name. Gen 20:14
20. The revolution that has started will not lose focus and be aborted in Jesus name. Zech 4:9
BIBLE TEXT: Psalms 89:20-22
INTRODUCTION: The nation Israel, just like Nigeria, was highly favoured by God but saddled with both internal and external problems that hindered the purpose of God. Then God found David, who bridged the internal gaps and subdued external oppositions.
1. Father, we thank you for the creation of this nation Nigeria.
2. Father, we thank you for blessing Nigeria in all areas
3. Father, we thank you for prophesies that revealed your plans and purposes for Nigeria.
4. Father, have mercy on Nigeria and please forgive all our errors in Jesus Name.
5. Father; forgive all our past attitude of ingratitude in Jesus name. 2 Tim 3:2
6. Father, bring forth the David you have prepared for Nigeria in Jesus Name.
7. Father, give us in Nigeria, a leader that knows you though may not be known himself.
8. Father, give us a leader that honours you above all other things like David in Jesus Name.
9. Father give us a leader that will transform the lives of all that are frustrated in this nation.
10.Father, give us a leader that will silence all that are singing the song of division in Nigeria.
11.Father, please give us a leader that will deliver us from all forms of external oppression in Jesus Name.
12.Father, please give us the leader that will silence and disappoint all the external forces that believe nothing good can come out of Nigeria.
13.Father give us the leader that will bridge the gap between the East and West, and between the North and South in Jesus Name.
14.Father give us a leader that will always seek your approval before taking crucial decisions.
15.Oh God raise up people like the Joseph, David, Daniel for the revival of our nation in Jesus name.
16.Father, give Nigeria a leader that will bring back the glory of this nation that was lost in Jesus Name.
17.Father give a leader that will openly declare you as the God of Nigeria in Jesus Name.
18.Father give us the leader that will deliver this nation from the hand of devourers in Jesus Name. Mal 3:11
19.Lord we pray for the leader that will restore the tabernacle of God to Nigeria in Jesus name.
20.Lord arise and turn the enemies of Nigeria against themselves, in Jesus name.
INTRODUCTION: More than ever before in our nation’s history, we are in a time when the church in Nigeria is being intimidated and threatened for preaching the gospel. Let us look up to God as the early Christians did.
1. Father: We thank you for been our help in ages past and our hope for the years to come.
2. Father we will never and ever be ungrateful to you for your kindness in answers to our prayers.
3. We plead for mercy, in all areas of our short comings and trespasses as a church. Let the blood of Jesus avail for us in Jesus name
4. Father; we are tired of the valley, revive and take your church in Nigeria to the mountain top. Hos 6:1-3
5. We receive afresh upon your church in Nigeria spirit of love, power and of sound mind 2 Tim 1:7
6. Father, establish your church in righteousness that we may not be intimidated by the enemy. Prov 28:1
7. The disciples of old were forbidding from preaching the gospel, but they overcame. Father; deliver us from every forms ofharassment. Acts 4:18
8. Father give your church the courage to speak and declare the testimony of Jesus without fear Acts 4:20
9. Father; in the face of threat from terrorists, kidnappers, and ritualists, let your Church begin to wax stronger and progress in Jesus name
10. Father put an end to the reign of terror in Nigeria
11. Father; deliver all those in the captivity of terrorists by fire in Jesus name
12.Father; Cause a revival in your church, to love righteousness and hate iniquity. 1 Tim 6:11
13.Father pour thy grace and blessings upon us, and make your church farer above the world Psa 45:2
14.O most mighty Father repositions your church in the place of power to show forth your glory and majesty. Ps. 45:3
15.Father let your church ride in prosperity because of truth, meekness and righteousness. Ps. 45:4
16.Father Let the enemy of your Church in Nigeria be subdued Ps. 45:5
17.In unity there is strength. Father let there be unity amongst different denominations and churches in Nigeria
18.Father; In the current wave of persecutions of the church in Nigeria, let all things work together for church growth in Jesus name. Acts 11:19
19.Father; let as many Christians that terrorism has scattered away from their domain be gathered and restored in Jesus name.
20.Father; restore those whose homes have been destroyed who are now in IDPs camps.
TEXT(S): ISAIAH 49:24-26. EXODUS 1:11-15
INTRODUCTION: It was sin that led man into captivity of the devil, 1. John 3:8, Only Jesus can set a nation free, John 8:36. As we pray for Nigeria, Jesus will set our nation free in Jesus mighty name.
1. Father, we thank you for your mercy that endure for ever, Psalms 136:1
2. Father, we thank you for all powers belong to you, Mathew 28:18,
3. Father, we thank you for your blood that was shed for our Redemption, Galatians 3:13.
4. Father, thank you for your mercies that brought about the creation of Nigeria to fulfil divine destiny of greatness. James 2:13.
5. Father arrest, cut to piece that serpent in the wilderness that has been released all over the nation to swallow progress and a new beginning. Exo. 7:12.
6. Father anyone that has vowed to bury righteousness in Nigeria disgrace and blot them out of this nation in your own way. Prov. 14:34.
7. Father any force anywhere that have hijack peace and good governance in Nigeria command them to fail and fall woefully. Luk. 10.18.
8. Let us plead for mercy for the killings and reckless wastages of human lives going on in Nigeria without culprits and without justice
9. Let us plead the blood of Jesus for the cleansing of the land of Nigeria
10. O God we destroy every altars of witchcraft thirsty and demanding for blood in Nigeria. Isa 10:27
11. Many are still in the prisons of the kidnappers; Father; Arise and set the captives free.
12. Father, we thank you for our time of deliverance has come, psalm 102:13.
13. Father, arise and deliver Nigeria from satanic captivity Isaiah 49:24-26
14. Father, let the power in the blood of Jesus deliver Nigeria from all bondages. Rev. 12:11.
15. Father, let the power in the blood of Jesus cancel every satanic covenant with Nigeria
16. Father, let the power in the blood of Jesus deliver and separate Nigeria from every evil alliance and association
17. Father; destroy the mentality of quick money without work in Nigeria.
18. Father expose the hideouts of all kidnappers and ritual killers in Nigeria
19. Father; as many that are behind the shedding of innocent blood in anyway, bring them to judgment in Jesus name.
20. Father. Joblessness is a major challenge for our teeming youths, in your own way make a way for our youths to be gainfully engaged in Jesus name.
Holy Ghost Congress is an annual kingdom festival, where millions of people gathered to praise, worship and pray to God Almighty. Millions of souls have been saved and healed. Diverse miracles testified to the move of God and lives were transformed by undiluted word of grace. We expect more this year as we pray.
BIBLE TEXT(S): LUKE 5:17, PSALM 91:1-16, PROV. 4:12, PSALM 24:1-2, MAT 14:14
- Let us thank God for all the past annual Holy Ghost Congress Ps.05: 6-7
- Father we thank you for the success and the glory revealed in the past annual Holy Ghost Congress Psalm 95:2
- We thank you Lord for the anointing released upon Daddy GO and all other officiating ministers. Psalms 96:2-4
- Father we thank you for the unprecedented number of souls won during the past annual Holy Ghost Congress Psalms 96:8
- Let us thank God for all the unusual miracles He has done in the past and that which He is going to do this time around Deut. 11:3; Jn.6:2
- Pray for forgiveness of all our sins that may hinder the move of God in this year Holy Ghost Congress Psalm 79:9
- Let us pray for the grace to be holy and the desire to follow peace with all men Heb.12:14-15
- Pray for abundantprovisions and divine supply of all need for the annual Holy Ghost Congress in Jesus name Phil 4:19
- Father; we thank you for journey mercies before, during and after the Holy Ghost congress in the name of Jesus. Rom.9:15-16.
10.Father; we thank you because of assurance of safety from You O Lord. Pro.21:31,
- Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for always protecting all your children that attend the Holy Ghost congress, and for giving your angels charge over them. Deut. 31:6, Psalm 91:11.
- Father, as your people connect for the Holy Ghost Congress, let your presence abide with them as the pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. Exod. 33:14. Exod. 13:21-22.
13.Father; we come against bad communication and digital networks connections during the Congress.
14.Father please divinely supply all the needs of participant to attend this year Holy Ghost congress. Phil 4:19
15.father; keep and watch over homes of all participants as we gather for this year Holy Ghost Congress Ps.16:8; Prov 3:5- 6
16.Father, have compassion and turn the tears and pain of all participants in this year Congress to Joy and laughter Rev. 21:4, Psalm 30:5
17.Let us pray that God will confirm the words of Daddy G.O. With signs and wonders. Acts 14:3
18.Father by your mercy remember, as many as will connect, believing you for the fruit of the womb. 1Sam. 1:16-20.
19.Father; let there be unprecedented harvest of Souls Miracles, signs and wonders during this year Holy Ghost Congress Acts 2:41, Matt 10:1
20.Father use Daddy G.O., like never before during the Holy Ghost Congress, and empower your word through him to reshape every altered destiny in Jesus name.
BIBLE TEXT(s): 2 Thes 3:1, 1Thes 5:25.
We are encouraged to always pray for our leaders.
- Thank God Almighty for preservation, goodness and mercy over Daddy G.O and Mummy G.O. Psa 92:1-2.
- Let us praise and thank God for His Merciful kindness that is great toward Daddy and Mummy G.O. Psa 117:2.
- Oh Lord, we thank you for your divine protection over Daddy and Mummy G.O. Isa 41:10
- Thank God for being the good shepherd over Daddy and Mummy G.O. Ps 23:1.
- Let us praise and thank God who alone doeth great wonders through Daddy and Mummy G.O. Psa 136:4.
- Father thank you for your Mercy and Grace over the life of Daddy, Mummy G.O. and the Family.
- Thank you, Lord, for making all the members of Daddy and Mummy G.O. family for Sign and Wonders Isa 8:18.
- Thank you, Lord, for answering their prayers and may you continue to always answer their prayers in Jesus name kings 8:28, Psa 55:1-2.
- Thank you for chosen them, please continues to be their God in the name of Jesus Psa 33:12.
10.Thank you for the support of the Holy Spirit to Daddy and Mummy G.O and their Family Acts 20:28.
11.Thank you, God, for establishing your divine mercy over Daddy and Mummy G.O Isa 16:5.
12.Father; please don’t allow your divine mercy and grace to depart from their life in Jesus name 2 Sam 7:15.
13.Father; by your mercy, fulfill all your good promise and prophecies in the life of Daddy and Mummy G.O. Jer 29:10. Jer 33:14.
14.Father every evil counsel over Daddy, Mummy G.O and family will not stand. Isa 7:5-7.
15.Father builds a wall of fire round about Daddy, Mummy G.O. and the family Zech 2:5.
16.Father in the name of Jesus, disappoint every device of the wicked against Daddy, Mummy G.O. and the family Jobs 5:12. Psa 7:10.
17.Father please send your divine help to Daddy, Mummy G.O and the family Psa 121:1-2, Isa 50:7.
18.Father pleases in your mercy, preserve the going out and the coming in of Daddy and Mummy G.O Journey. Psa 121:8.
19.Father in the name of Jesus, increase your wisdom and strength in the life of Daddy, Mummy G.O and the family and bless them with abundant life Eph 3:20, John 10:10
20.Father please makes Daddy and Mummy G.O and family untouchable by the wicked one Psa 105:15.
We are encouraged to always pray for our leaders.
- Bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me. Bless his Holy name. Psa 103:1.
- Thank God for a new day and the salvation of your soul.
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions* has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Ask God to be merciful unto us and our leaders in any area that we have fallen short of his glory Proverb 28:13.
- Father, we thank you for your call upon the life of our leaders the DGO, AGOS, Elders, SATGOS, ALL Ministers in Jesus name.
- Father, please, let all your ministers finish well and strong in Jesus name.
- Father, continue to strengthenyour ministers for the task ahead in Jesus name.
- Father, never let any of the words of your ministers fall to the ground in Jesus name 1Sam 3:19.
- Father, please do not allow separation between you and your ministers in Jesus name.
- Father, please, continue to strengthen and empower them for the task ahead and for greater works in Jesus name. John 14:12
11.Thank God for the lives of all our leaders in RCCG in all nations.
12.Let us thank God for the wisdom the Lord has granted our leaders in the running of the church worldwide.
13.Father, let our church leaders always be examples of wisdom, victory and power of God. Grant them power to speak God’s word with boldness.
14.Father, let your counsel of health and healings concerning our church leaders
be established in their lives and family. John 11:4.
15.Father, take away premature death, sickness, diseases, infirmity from all your ministers and church workers in Jesus name. Deut 7:15, Exo 23:25.
16.Lord, let the thunder of God; strike all the evil priests at any evil altar ministering against your ministers in Jesus name. Exodus 9:23
17.Any hand that want to retaliate or arrest me because of my prayers, dry up and wither in the name of Jesus, 1kings 13:4-5
18.Father, let the lives of all your ministers be a living sacrifice. Rom 12:1
19.Father, don’t let your fire ever go out upon the altars where our leaders, ministers in Jesus name. Leviticus 6:13.
20.Father, let the lives of your ministers give you glory all the time and worthy of emulation to upcoming ministers and church workers in Jesus name Colossians 1:27
Leadership and good governance is pivotal to the advancement of any nation; therefore, prayers are to be offered unto God for our leaders in government so that they will deliver good governance.
- Father, we give thanks for our government and its leaders in Jesus name. 1 Tim. 2:1
- Father, thank you that you have been longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance in Jesus name. 2 Peter 3:9
- Father, as we begin to humble ourselves, praying, and turning from our wicked ways, we acknowledge that then you will hear us, O Lord, and forgive our sins and heal our land in Jesus name. 2 Chron. 7:14
- Father, guide our leaders in making wise and godly choices, guard over them, keep them out of danger in Jesus name. Prov. 2:11. RCCG NOVEMBER 2020 FASTING PRAYER POINTS FOR 30 DAYS – Download PDF
- Father, deliver our leaders from the way of evil and from evil men who pose as sheep in wolves’ clothes in Jesus name. Prov. 2:12
- Father, make our leaders hearts and ears attentive to godly counsel that will lead to good governance for our nation in Jesus name. Psalm 1:1
- Father, let our leaders continue doing what is right in your sight in Jesus name. 2 Chron. 20:32
- Father, give us upright, just and fair men and women in our government, in Jesus name. Isa. 54:14
- Father, please sustain those who live right and blameless before you and keep them firm and strong for the sake of our nation in Jesus name. Prov. 2:21
10.Father, please send your shakings to all areas harbouring corruption and ungodliness in our nation in Jesus name Heb. 12:27
11.Father, arise and cut off the wicked, let the unfaithful be rooted out so that prosperity will be seen in our Nation in Jesus name. Prov. 2:22
12.Father, please bring to light the hidden things done in darkness, and expose the secret dishonesty of the hearts of the people in the corridor of power in Jesus name. 1 Corinth. 4:5
13.Father, cause our nation to remember, where we have fallen, repent, and return to righteous and godly works in Jesus name. Rev. 2:5
14.Father, in our nation set our hearts and our souls to seek you first and your righteousness in Jesus name. 1 Chron. 22:19
15.Father, open our eyes and turn us as a nation, from darkness to light in Jesus name. Acts 26:18
16.Father, soften our hardened hearts through the deceitfulness of sin in Jesus name. Heb. 3:13
17.Father, please send your Word once again to the people of our nation and rescue us from self-destructions in Jesus name. Psa. 107:20
18.Father, please raise up a standard of godliness and righteousness in our nation in Jesus name. Isa. 49:22
19.Father, please bring the rains of your Spirit to flood this land and awaken us once again in Jesus name. Zech. 10:1
20.Father, please raise intercessors and watchmen with discerning spirit and understanding to pull down strongholds over our nation in Jesus name. 2 Corinth. 10:4
21.Father, arise! Shine through us and fill our nation with your light and truth in Jesus name. Isa. 60:1-4
BIBLE TEXT(S): PSALMS 95,107:23, JOHN 16:5-15. DEUT 8:18
The power and influence of a nation depend on her business and economy and education and health. These are the driver of a sound economy. These sectors determine the strength of a nation. God is interested in prosperity of nations.
- Father we thank you for the economy of our nation in Jesus name.
- Father, thank you for being in control of the economy and businesses of our nation in Jesus name
- Father, we thank you for the level our educational standard has reached now in Jesus name
- Father, thank you for giving us room for improvement in our education system in Jesus name
- Father deliver us from all forms of evil and unrighteousness in business life in Jesus name. Lev. 19:35-37.
- Father help the economy and businesses in our nation to be done in righteousness in Jesus name. Prov 14:34
- Father, help our nation to put you first in my business lives in Jesus name. 1 Kings 17:15.
- Father, give our leaders the wisdom to trust you, not to lean on their own understanding in their business pursuits in Jesus name Prov. 3:5-6.
- Father,don’t allow us to be greedy in business, help us to honour you with our substance. Mal. 3:10
- Father, it does not matter what the economy of the world may say; make a way for Nigeria economy in Jesus name. Isa. 43:19.
- Father, please release unto us as a nation every idea we needed to advance in global business in the name of Jesus. Det. 8:18.
- Father, by your mercy restore the economy of our nation in Jesus name
- Father, please make learning environments in our nation conducive for our children to study in Jesus name.
- Father, l pray that schools should fulfil their duty of teaching children what they are supposed to teach them in Jesus name. Deut 5:1
- Father, help the teachers to be able to balance mercy and discipline in the right way in Jesus name.
- Father, help all parents to provide adequately for their children educational needs to enable the children to study without distraction.
- Father, teach them by yourself that they will have the fear of the Lord in their heart in Jesus name Isa. 54:13.
- Father, let our educational institution teach the student love and respect in Jesus name. 1 John 2:15-17.
- Father, we thank you for the opportunities of learning in your household to rightly divide the word of truth 2 Tim. 2:15.
- Father, please help the teachers to teach with love and cloth them with wisdom and understanding in Jesus Name.
BIBLE TEXT: PROV 14:34, PSA 33:12
INTRODUCTION: Nigeria is a blessed country. God has promised salvation and through words of
prophesies in our national anthem and pledge, we know that; in the name of Jesus “all will be well”
1. Father: We thank you for the image of Nigeria among the Commonwealth of Nations.
2. Father; we thank you for the vision of a great Nigeria by our founding fathers.
3. Father; we are grateful for your promises of salvation through your son, our Father in the Lord.
4. Father we thank you for the promises through other men of God.
5. Father; You had said that, In the midst of our crisis situation; Salvation of Nigeria has been born; Help is on the way. Oh God fulfil your promise
6. Father send help and deliver Nigeria out of all her captivities
7. Nigeria, we hail thee. Our own dear native land. Though tribes and tongue may differ in brotherhood we stand in Jesus name
8. Our flag shall be a symbol for truth and justice to reign in Jesus name
9. The labour of our heroes past Shall never be in vain
10. Father we ask for the grace to serve Nigeria with heart and might
11. Father keep our nation bound in freedom, peace, and unity in Jesus name
12. Oh God of creation, direct our noble cause Guide our leaders right
13. Help our youth the truth to know, in love and honesty to grow and living just and true. Great lofty heights let them attain
14. Father; we prophesy that Nigeria shall become a nation where peace and justice shall reign in Jesus name
15. Father; help all Nigerians; to serve their fatherlandwith love and strength and faith
16. Father we come against the locust, the cankerworm and the palmerworm from devouring Nigeria any longer. Stop the wave of corruption in Nigeria
17. Father; please preserve and keep your son, the Vice President Prof. Yemi Osinbajo from every form of evil. Psm.121:7
18. Father please lay your hands upon all the sectors of Nigeria and give us divine speed. I Kings.18:46
19. Father; uproot every plant that you have not planted and any sitting Goliath in Nigeria Matt.15:13.
20. Father let the doors of foreign investments open up such that; the economy will grow and there will be employments for the majority of our youths.
BIBLE TEXT(S): EXODUS 1:8-10, EST 3:3-11.
INTRODUCTION: Israelites were yoked and afflictedwith burdens by the task masters because of
an evil counsel by a cabal. The faith of the Jews in Shusan were also sealed
unto death in a secret covenant. But in all these; God arose
1. Father; we worship you; You are the all-knowing God. The Omniscient Dan 2; 22
2. Father we thank you that nothing is hidden from you. Heb 4:13
3. Father we thank you that nothing too hard for thee. The problem of Nigeria is not too difficult to solve. Jer 32:27
4. Father; for the groaning of the masses, arise for the help on Nigeria. Exo 2:24
5. Father; Expose and dispose every hidden secret that is working against peace and prosperity of Nigerians.
6. Let brethren join hands and pray fervently in spirit and in understanding that;
7. Every evil covenant enacted in a secret coven designed to rubbish the glory of Nigeria be broken by the power in the name of Jesus.
8. As God intervene in Egypt by letting His people go, So the Lord will intervene in Nigeria and set the people free from bondage of secret and evil covenant In Jesus name
9. Let us plead the blood of Jesus to counter every evil agenda of the wicked causing the shedding of human blood in Nigeria
10. Let us cry for mercy. God have mercy over Nigeria. We are tired of famine in our nation.
11. Father; expose, dispose and destroy every agent of destabilizations in our nation’s politics and governance
12. Father we release spirit of error into the camp of cabal manipulating the destiny of Nigeria to their evil and selfish agenda
13. Father; destroy the power of witchcraft at work in every sector of Nigeria politics and governance in Jesus name
Text: Exodus 1:11-15
INTRODUCTION – Brethren; terrorism, banditry, killings, kidnapping for
ransom and many more terrible things are the order of the day in Nigeria.
1. Let us plead for mercy for the killings and reckless wastages of human lives going on in Nigeria without culprits and without justice
2. Let us plead the blood of Jesus for the cleansing of the land of Nigeria
3. God, we destroy every altars of witchcraft thirsty and demanding for blood in Nigeria. Isa 10:27
4. Many are still in the prisons of the kidnappers; Father; Arise and set the captives free.
5. Father; destroy the mentality of quick money without work in Nigeria.
6. Father expose the hideouts of all kidnappers and ritual killers in Nigeria
7. Father; as many that are behind the shedding of innocent blood in anyway, bring them to judgment in Jesus name.
8. Father. Joblessness is a major challenge for our teeming youths, In your own way make a way for our youths to be gainfully engaged in Jesus name.
9. Father please solve the problems of Nigeria in your own way
10. Father. We pray for Nigeria of our dream
11. Father; Let all wickedness come to an end in our nation
BIBLE TEXTS: PSALMS 107:20, ZECH 10:6, 1PET 2:24
INTRODUCTION: our God is sovereign, he is the omnipotent God. God is very much interested in restoring you, if only you can cry onto Him for help. Ps 90:2
1. Thank God for the gift of life and for being there for us, and for His mercy.
2. Let us confess our sins and the sins of our nation unto God 1Jn.1:19 and ask Him for mercy that endures forever. Ps136:1-2
3. Father by Your mercy hear our cries and heal all those who are sick in the name of Jesus. Ps 30:2, Zech 10:6
4. Oh God our Father we thank You forthe deliverance from the attack of this noisome pestilence called coronavirus in Jesus name. Ps 91
5. Father please forgive all our iniquities and heal all our diseases in Jesus name. Ps 103:3
6. I confess that Christ has taken all my sicknesses and diseases and nailed them to the cross. 1Pet 2:24
7. In the Name of Jesus I therefore decree that coronavirus will not have power over me and my family.
8. I bind every spirit of infirmity including coronavirus in my nation and cast them out in the mighty name of Jesus. Matt18:18
9. Almighty Father, send Your devouring fire to devour the root and power of coronavirus in the Name of Jesus.
10. Father stretch out Your hand upon coronavirus and its source and destroy them in Jesus name. Jer 51: 25
11. Oh Lord my God hide me and my family in your secret place so that we can abide under Your shadow in Jesus name. Ps 91:1, Ps 61:3-4
12. Jesus son of David have mercy on my nation and take away this plague completely in Jesus name. Mark 10:47-48
13. Oh Lord God, you made heaven and earth, there is nothing too hard for You, heal Your church and everyone in our families who have been infected by coronavirus in Jesus name. Zech 10:6
16. Oh Lord God Almighty send forth Your word and heal our nations and deliver us from destruction in the mighty name of Jesus. Ps107:20
17. By the mercies of God, no member of RCCG will be missing or be dead by the end of this battle in the mighty name of Jesus. Num31:49
18. I command every gate that coronavirus has closed against us to be lifted up now in the name of Jesus. Ps24:7-10
19. Father please restore unto our families and nations all that coronavirus has stolen away from us in Jesus name. Joel 2:25-26
20. Father let there be a complete leaping up from Lockdown to Glory for Your church in Jesus name. Acts 3:7-8
BIBLE TEXT(s): Ex 21:16, Eph 1:13-14, Eph4:30, Ps114:1-7
INTRODUCTION: Kidnapping is the act of abducting an individual or a group of persons for monetary gain or ritual purpose. as we pray, god will hear us and put an end to all forms of killings and kidnapping in our nation in Jesus name.
1. Father thank you for keeping and protecting me and my family from being victims of kidnapping all these years.
2. Thank you Father for delivering and protecting me from the hands of kidnappers.
3. Let us thank God for the availability of the blood of Jesus that speaks mercy for us always.
4. Let us confess our sins and ask God for mercy for we have advertised, legalized, celebrated and boasted in sin. 2Chro 7:13-14
5. Let us ask God for mercy for all the sins of disobedience, oppression, lying, bloodshed and kidnapping in our nations. 1JN 1:9
6. Father arise in Your power and release all Your children in the cage of kidnappers and ritualist in the name of Jesus. Isa 49:24-26
7. Oh God scatter the plans and agenda of kidnappers, ritualist in this nation in Jesus name. Isa8:9 10
8. Oh Lord, strive with the agent of killings and death that strive with our nation. Ps 35:1-6
9. Father arise against those sponsoring the killings of innocent citizens in our nation. Ps68:1-2
10. Father render all the weapons of the killers of innocent citizens of our country impotent in the mighty name of Jesus. Isa54:16-17
11. Oh God save the youths of our country for thy mercy’s sake Ps6:4
12. Father please trouble these kidnappers, terrorists, and ritualists in this nation until they surrender to You in the mighty name of Jesus. Ps55:19
13. Father please lay Your ambushment against all the kidnappers, terrorists, killers, and ritualist in this nation in the mighty name of Jesus. 2Chro20:22
14. Father please let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end in this nation in the mighty name of Jesus. Psa7:9
15. Oh God arise and deliver our nation from the hands of the destroyers of lives in the mighty name of Jesus. Psa107:20
16. Father arise and put an end to wickedness in our nation. Ps68:1-2
17. Oh Lord rebuke and scatter the activity of spearman who delight in war 18. Every evil river through which death flows into our nation dry up in the mighty name of Jesus. 2Kgs2:21
19. Oh God our Father, please make yourself known in Nigeria. Put an end to these daily killings in Nigeria in the mighty name of Jesus. Ezek35:5
20. Father make the habitations and the hiding places of kidnappers, ritual killers, terrorist and their sponsors desolate in the mighty name of Jesus. Ezek35:1-6.
BIBLE TEXT: Proverbs 20:29
INTRODUCTION: Youth is the time of life when one is young. A time between childhood and
adulthood and the glory of young man is their strength. It’s a time that young fellow need to travail in prayers to be able to achieve his/her destiny and live a fulfil life
1. Father; thank you for your unfailing love, blessings and goodness upon our youth in Nigeria, Psa 1031-5
2. Father, please increase the faith of all our youth in you, in Nigeria, in Jesus name. Luke 17:5
3. Father, please guide and protect our young people in Nigeria, from the path of destruction and deliver them from the spirit of worldliness, in Jesus name. Psa 32:8
4. Father, please as David defeated goliath in his days let all our youth in Nigeria, defeat every goliath assign against them 1sam 17
5. Father, please help our young ones to obey and work for you at their youthful age in Jesus name. Lam 3:27
6. Father, please make our youth in Nigeria, relevant in this generation, in Jesus name. Psam71:7
7. Father, please deliver all our youth in Nigeria, from the hand of the wicked, the unrighteous and cruel men in Jesus name. Psa 71:4
8. Father, please put an end to anything causing shame and disgrace in the life of our youth, in Jesus name. Isa 54:4
9. Father, please remove far away the spirit of untimely death in the life of our youth in Nigeria, in Jesus name. Job 36:14, Jer 9:21
10.Father, please make our youth a partaker of your promise of increase in knowledge, in Jesus name. Dan 12:4
11.Father, please make our youths in Nigeria relevant and useful in the political arrangement in this nation in Jesus name.
12.Father, please open the eyes of our youth and give them clear vision, in Jesus name. Joel 2:28
13.Father, please pour out your spirit upon the life of our youth to be able to do your will Joel 2:28
14.Father, please let the glory of all our youth be awaken now, in Jesus name. Psa 57:8
15.Lord arise and save our children from the spirit of worldliness in Jesus name.
16.Every demon in charge of the social media manipulation, we dethrone you in the name of Jesus.
17.Every evil intention behind social media and technology wasting the usefulness and strength of our youth in Nigeria be exposed and disgraced in Jesus name, Job 5:12
18.My children (names of your children) will not be a victim of social media destruction in Jesus name. Prov 18:9
19.Lord; deliver our children and youths in Nigeria from the foolishness of social media in Jesus name. Prov 18:2
20.Lord help our youth in Nigeria to be more diligent, dedicated and committed to their jobs, careers, ministry, family, etc. than social media, in Jesus name. Prov 18:9.
BIBLE TEXT(s): Provers 20:29
INTRODUCTION: Youth is the time of life when one is young. A time between childhood and adulthood and the glory of young man is their strength. It’s a time that young fellow need to travail in prayers to be able to achieve his destiny and live a fulfil life
1. Father, thank you for the youths all over the world Psa 103:1-5
2. Father, deliver our youths from every battle acquired from birth affecting them negatively in Jesus name. John 9:1-9,
3. Father, please endue all our youths with power from on high Luk2 4:49
4. Father, Make our youths stronger than their foes in Jesus name. 1sam 17
5. Father, please satisfy the youth with every good things of life Psa 103:5
6. Father, please destroy every spirit of weariness and tiredness in the life of our youths. Isa 40:30
7. Father, please release your divine strength upon our youth, in Jesus name.
8. Father, please retrieve back our youths’ glory from the hands of household and territorial enemies, in Jesus name.
9. Father, please help our youths to obey and work for you at this young age, in Jesus name. Lam 3:27
10.Father, please make our youth relevant in their generation, in Jesus name. Psam71:7
11.Father, please destroy every spirit of defilement among our youths, in Jesus name.
12.Father, please clothe all our youth with the garment of humility, in Jesus name. 1Pe 5:5
13.Father, please let Your good plans and purposes for all our youths be fulfilled in their generation
14.Father, please put an end to anything causing shame and disgrace in the life of our youths, in Jesus name. Isa 54:4
15.Father, please remove far away the spirit of untimely death in the life of our youths, in Jesus name. Job 36:14, Jer 9:21
16.Father, please destroy every youthful lust among our youths, in Jesus name. 2Tim 2:22
17.Father, make our youths in RCCG a show room of Your excellence all over the world, in Jesus name.
18.Father, please pour out your spirit upon the life of our youth to be able to do Your will Joel 2:28
19.Father, please let our youths come out gloriously in their peaceful protests against injustice and for good governance in all over the world in Jesus name.
20.Father, please continue to give us reasons to thank you for our youth in RCCG, in Jesus name.
BIBLE TEXT(S): PSALMS 91:2-6, DEUT 1:15, 2SAMUEL 8:6
INTRODUCTION: Military are well organized armed forces, officially trained to defend the territorial integrity of a nation. These men and women need prayers in order to effectively defend the territory against external invasion and internal destruction of lives and properties.
1. Let us worship our God who neither sleep nor slumber in watching over our nation. Psa 121:2
2. Let’s thank God the Almighty for being the chief security officer in charge of our nation territory. Psa 127:1-2
3. Father; thank you for the military and all security agencies in Jesus name.
4. Father; we plead for your mercy over all our security personnel in any way they have taking laws into their hands and fallen short of expectations
5. Father; protect them and families from any form of harm in Jesus name.
6. Father; by Your mercy give as many of them who have not known you, your salvation for physical and eternal security in Jesus name.
7. Father; may you never allow strange bullet to touch them in Jesus name. Is. 54:17.
8. Father; cause them to be alert at all times and fortify them against the arrows of the enemy in Jesus name.
9. Father, give them angelic assistant to fight the enemies in Jesus name. Psa 91:11
10.Father, let them be full of courage and bravery in discharging their duty in Jesus name.
11.Father: Impart them with your wisdom and understanding and guide them in all decisions in Jesus name.
12.Father; do not allow our military to be depressed in their service in Jesus name Prov 24:10
13.Father; deliver them from alcoholism and drugs but help them to be drunk with the Holy Ghost. Pro 31:6
14.Father; help them not to put their trust on their ammunition but on you in Jesus name. Acts 4:12
15.Father, expose and disgrace the evil ones among them in Jesus name.
16.Father; help those under severe battle pressures, guide them to make right decisions in Jesus name. Judges 20:34
17.Father; heal those that have sustained injuries in the course of their duty in the name of Jesus
18.Father; take care of the orphans and widow of the fallen heroes that they will not be stranded in life in Jesus name
19.Father; in all their engagement, against internal and external enemies grant them victory at all times in Jesus name
20.Father; deliver them from every traps of the enemy in Jesus name.
BIBLE TEXT(S): ISAIAH 43:18-21, REV 5:21
INTRODUCTION: By prophesy, we look for a nation where the name of God is exalted above any
other name, where equality, justice, and fear of God will be the foundation of unprecedented developmental growth that places us ahead of others.
1. Let us thank God for making Nigeria a great nation. Psalm 67
2. Father; we thank you for your goodness, mercy and divine provision in Nigeria in Jesus name. Psalm 67
3. Father arise and hasten the emergence of the new Nigeria in Jesus name
4. Father crush every obstacles and hindrance to the emergence of the new Nigeria in Jesus name. 1Thes 2:18
5. Father; Judge everyone saying over their dead bodies will the new Nigeria emerge in Jesus name. 1Sam 17:51,
6. Father release the new Nigeria that will be dependable, reliable true and trustworthy in Jesus name. Rev 5:21
7. Father by the blood of Jesus and the power in the name of Jesus, forgive us, every sin of our past and living ancestors, parents, leaders hindering the birth of the new Nigeria in Jesus name. Exo 34:7, Num 14:8
8. Father;faise carpenters (Zech 1:20-21)that make the emergence of the new Nigeria possible in Jesus name
9. Father raise divine Nehemiahs that will rebuild the ruined walls of and cities of the old Nigeria for the emergence of the new Nigeria in Jesus name. Neh 2:5
10. Father;As in new birth, don’t allow my blood and family to be use as sacrifice in the birthing of the new Nigeria in Jesus name. Isaiah 21:3
11. Father let the new Nigeria where our children, lives, business, churches, etc. will be safe and secures emerge in Jesus name. Rev 5:21
12. Father, frustrate any power that want to frustrate your purpose for Nigeria in Jesus Name.
13. Father, disappoint all the agents of division in Nigeria in Jesus Name.
14. Father, let Nigeria become the epic centre of development in the whole world in Jesus Name.
15. Father, let your fear be our guiding principle in this new Nigeria.
16. Father, let every form of oppression and suppression disappear from this nation in Jesus Name.
17. Father; Let wickedness and corruption come to an end in Jesus name.
18. Father, let all the citizens of Nigeria submit to you and seek your face continually in Jesus Name. (2Chro. 7:14).
19. Father, please let your goodness and mercy abide in this country, in Jesus name. Psa 23:6
20. All demons in charge of killings, rituals and accidents in Nigeria, fade away in Jesus name. Psalms 18:44-45,
BIBLE TEXT(S):ISA 42:8. EXO 20:3:5.
INTRODUCTION: Idolatry is the most heinous injury and affront to the true God. It is transferring
his worship and honour to a rival. Idolatry brings physical ruin.
1. Let us praise God for His faithfulness over our lives. Lam 3:22-24.
2. Thank God for His mercies that endureth forever over us. Ps 118:1.
3. Thank God for He alone is worthy of our praise and worship. Psa 95:6.
4. Let us praise God, for there is none other gods except him. 1 Sam 2:2.
5. Thank God for only Him should be reverence and worship than graven images. Isa 42:8.
6. Father in your mighty power break every altars of Idolatry in our land. Deut 7:5.
7. Lord Jesus, please destroy by your power every works of idolatry in our lives in Jesus name John 3:8.
8. Father disappoints the devices of all the crafty ones in our land so that they will not be able to perform their evil enterprises in Jesus name. Job 5:12.
9. Father gives me the grace never to bow down to any other gods. Exo 23:24.
10. Father the power to utterly overthrow and break in pieces any idol and their images release upon us in our land Exo 23:24.
11. Father in the mighty name of Jesus, release upon us the grace and mercy we need to keep us away from idols, 1 John 5:21.
12. Father please destroys every altars of affliction that have put us into captivity.
13. Father destroys in your name every evil force that makes us to lust after evil things. 1 Cor 10:6.
14. Father wipes away in your mercy every spirit in us that want us to tempt you (God). 1 Cor 10:9.
15. Father please in your mercy and grace don’t let idolatry bring spiritual destruction upon us in Jesus name 1 Cor 10:8-10.
16. Father transform and renew the heart of every Nigerian with the grace to do what is good, acceptable and perfect will of God always. Rom. 12:2.
17. Father let the land of Nigeria manifestation the prophetic declaration of healing and victory in all realms. Psa.107:20.
18. Father in the name of Jesus; raise God fearing and selfless leaders to champion the affairs of every organisation, private or public, government owned in Nigeria.
19. Father birth a new Nigeria of heaven on earth in this generation, and this nation to introduce yourself to the world
20. Father send deliverance to the four corners of Nigeria by land, water, in
the heavens, and rescue this nation from collapsing. Obad. 1:17.
BIBLE TEXT(s): EXODUS 5:1-2, EXODUS 12:29-32, ACTS 3:1-10.
INTRODUCTION: Manifestation of God’s power naturally brings conviction. Pharaoh doubted God in Exodus 5:1-2 but he bowed after he encountered the power of God Exodus 12:29-32. Whenever impossible becomes possible, like the case at the beautify Gate, Acts 3:1-10), then the glory of God manifests.
1. Father, I thank you for the whole world is full of your wonders, in Jesus name.
2. Father. I thank you for the manifestation of your glory that the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus has brought to the whole world, in Jesus name.
3. Lord. I thank you for salvation of souls of Nigerians in readiness for manifestation of your glory in Nigeria.
4. Father; we thank you for manifestation of your power and glory in Nigeria.
5. Father, let there be greater manifestation of your power all over Nigeria in Jesus Name
6. Father, Release the spirit of healing, that Nigeria will become the final point for anyone seeking healing all over the world.
7. Father; Let your light shine in Nigeria that everyone will give glory to your name in Jesus name. Matt 5:16
8. Father, let the spirit of holiness cover Nigeria as water covers the sea in Jesus Name.
9. My father, make my life a wonder to my generation in Jesus name.
10.Except by signs and miracles, many will not believe, Father restore the era of sign, miracles and wonder in Nigeria in Jesus name
11.Father show all that oppress the innocent ones in Nigeria your power to stop their oppression in Jesus name.
12.Father, terminate the activities of the insurgents in Nigeria by manifestation of your power in Jesus name.
13.Father, by your power, convert all the leaders of the insurgents to evangelists in Nigeria in Jesus name.
14.Father, by your power, let all the kidnappers surrender to your lordship and serve you as you converted Saul who became Paul in Jesus name.
15.Father, manifest your glory in Nigeria through a revival that will shake the whole world in Jesus name.
16.Father, anoint me so that evil forces will see me and run in Jesus name.
17.Father, let holiness become a lifestyle in this nation Nigeria in Jesus Name.
18.Father, demonstrate your power in Nigeria that people will come from all over the world to encounter you in Jesus name.
19.Father, through the manifestations of signs and miracles in Nigeria, let more unbelievers believe you and be saved in Jesus name.
20.Father, demonstrate your power over many Pharaohs and Herod’s of our time who needed to encounter you, for the glory of your name.
BIBLE TEXT(s): Deut 28:12, Daniel 12:4, Job 5:12, Prov 18:9
Every time we hear about record of unemployment and job plans. People want to work but can’t find any jobs. Those employed or running a business are not doing well, nothing to show that you are gainfully employed. Ecc 5:18. We need to pray our jobs and lives into fruitfulness
1. Let us thank God for been alive, only the living can work.
2. Lord arise and deliver our people from every power wasting opportunity in their lives.
3. Oh Lord open my eyes and show me the secrets to make wealth, in Jesus name.
4. Father I refuse to serve those that are supposed to be serving me, in Jesus name.
5. Father connect me to those that will lift me up, in Jesus name.
6. You raised kingmakers for Uzziah, Oh Lord raise king makers for me and (children name) in Jesus name.
7. Lord every power making it difficult for me to get a good job, be disgraced out of my life in Jesus name.
8. Father I command into my life, divine connection that is bigger than my age, my family’s name, my qualification, in Jesus name.
9. You devil, in the name of Jesus, loose your grip over my career, destiny, business, academics, qualifications in Jesus name.
10.Lord I refuse to be disqualified when I applied for any job in Jesus name. RCCG NOVEMBER 2020 FASTING PRAYER POINTS FOR 30 DAYS – Download PDF
11.Father, you are the source of productivity, l hides in you; help me to be productive in my career in Jesus name.
12.Father, in my career help me to be faithful, for it is required of a steward to be found faithful in Jesus name. 1 Cor. 4:2.
13.Father, help me to pursue my career according to your standard for the glory of Your name in Jesus name Col. 3:17, 23.
14.Father, in my entire career let me seek the kingdom of heaven first in the name of Jesus. Matt. 6: 33.
15.Father, help me to abide in you at all-time never to allow anything to disconnect me in Jesus name John. 15:5.
16.Father, in this evil day, please strengthen me to walk wisely making the best use of my time in Jesus name Phil 4:13, Eph. 1:5.
17.Father make me a financial pillar in Jesus name
18.Father please change my story from lack to abundance in Jesus name
19.Father please by your speed, open the door of my financial break through
20.Power sponsoring debt, poverty into my life catch fire in Jesus name.
BIBLE TEXT(s): Gen. 6:17, Psalms 46:1-3.
Natural disasters are destructive events, calamities that happened by nature, such as earthquake, tsunami, wildfire, landslide, floods, plaque etc, men believed these are acts beyond human control.
1. Let us thank God for his mercy, Lam. 3:22.
2. Let us thank God for the salvation of our souls
3. Let us thank God for he will answer our prayers
4. Father, if there is any sin that we have committed that can hinder our prayers, please forgive us now in Jesus name
5. Father, have mercy on us and deliver us from Natural disasters in Jesus name. Psalms 57:1.
6. Father, we humble ourselves and seek your face, heal our land and deliver us from Natural disasters in Jesus mighty name. 2. Chron. 7:13-14.
7. Father have mercy on us and forgive us for abandoning the only living God to serve and worship other gods 2. Chron.7:22.
8. Father, deliver us from the current impending disasters that will lead to food crisis all over Nigeria in Jesus name. 2. Chron.20:9.
9. Father, give us listening ears to your instructions so that we can dwell safely in Jesus name. 2. Chron. 34:24.
10. Father, forgive us our sins so that disasters will not pursue us in Jesus name. Prov, 13:21.
11. Father, by your mercy, don’t let disasters come upon us out of the north in Jesus name. Jer. 1:14, 4:6.
12. Father, in your mercy, bring us not into your judgement but deliver us from all evils of natural disasters in Jesus name. Isaiah 47:11.
13. Father, remember your word in Jeremiah and bring disasters upon those killing your children in Nigeria in Jesus name.
14. Father, in the days of Jonah you had mercy on the people of Nineveh, please have mercy on Nigeria and let disasters be far away from us. Jonah 3:6-10.
15. Father, let us find favour in your sight and don’t let disasters destroy our nation in Jesus name. Gen.19:19.
16. Father, terminate every form of natural disasters from Nigeria in Jesus name
17. Father, by your mercy, let there be no more flooding in Nigeria in Jesus name
18. Father, by your mercy, let there be no more fire disasters in Nigeria in Jesus name
19. Father, remember your promise never to destroy the world with floods again. Gen. 8:20-22.
20. Father, step into the boat of Nigeria and let all forms of storm disappear in Jesus name. John 6:18-21.
BIBLE TEXT(S): MATTHEW 28:18-20, MARK 16:15-18
Evangelism is the preaching of gospel to people who do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour.
1. Father; I thank you for saving me in other to save others in the name of Jesus. Eph. 2:8-9
2. Oh Lord, we proclaim your name among nations and your deeds. Psa 105:5.
3. Lord; you said that those who win souls are wise, help me to be among the wise that win souls in Jesus name. Proverb 11:30
4. Father, help us to break new grounds in evangelism, frustrate the effort of the anti-Christ in Jesus name. (Please pray this until you are satisfied).
5. Father cause all your people in Nigeria to become willing in wining souls in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 6:8
6. Father; may we never close our mouth, but to tell people what you have done in Jesus Name. Isaiah 12:4
7. Father, help us to always turn to you and to teach people to turn to you at all times in Jesus name. Isaiah 45:22
8. Father, let your word have itsrightful place in the hearts of all Nigerians in Jesus name. Prov. 21:1.
9. Father, disappoint the devices of the crafty let not their hands perform their enterprise as touching to soul wining, in Jesus name. Job 5:12
10. Father; let every evil hand against evangelism and soul wining in our nation be paralyzed in the name of Jesus. Col. 2:14, 2cor. 10:5
11. Oh Lord uproot every evil thing in our nation that is hindering evangelism in thy name of Jesus. Matthew 15:13
12. Let spiritual and physical wickedness in Nigeria standing against soul wining be terminated now in Jesus name.
13. Father; revoke every decree against evangelism and soul winning in our nation in the name of Jesus. Matthew 18:18, Psalm 44:5.
14. Every gate that is standing against evangelism and soul wining in Nigeria be opened in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 26:2, Psalm 24:7.
15. Every strong man in our nation Nigeria that is standing against evangelism and soul wining be bound in Jesus name. Mark 3:27
16. Oh Lord, empower our nation to resist every opposition against evangelism and soul wining in Jesus name. James 4:7, 1Cor. 16:9.
17. Oh Lord deliver our nation from the hand of the liars through evangelism and soul wining in the name of Jesus. Jeremiah 7:8, Eph. 4:25.
18. We destroy by fire every evil altar resisting evangelism and soul wining in Nigeria, in Jesus name. 1 Kings 13:5
19. Oh lord, restore and renew the strength of soul wining and evangelism in Nigeria in Jesus name. Isaiah 40:1
20. Oh Lord, frustrate every government legislation working against evangelism and soul winning in Nigeria in Jesus name.
Every nation under God has the right to live a good life. Any nation that fails to acknowledge the supremacy of God will soon go into extinction.
1. Father thank you for all your assistance as a nation in Jesus name.
2. Father, we thank you as nation of people who trust in you for our supplies.
3. Father, please pardon our shot comings as a nation, particularly the sin of eating what you have not ordained for us in Jesus name. Genesis 2:16
4. Father; be our sufficiency in our national life in Jesus name. Phil 4:19
5. Father, help every citizen of our nation to depend on you for their provision in Jesus name. Matthew 6:26
6. Father, please bring Nigeria out of lack into abundance,let Nigeria experience a change for good in Jesus name. Psalm 34:10, 81:10
7. Father, in your mercy, supply our needs in Jesus name. Genesis 3:21
8. Father, see Nigeria through these times of difficulty and bring us to our promise land in Jesus name. Exodus 14:22
9. Father, you are merciful father, please help Nigeria to overcome all challenges of lack and want in Jesus name. Job 38:41
10. Father, just as you did for our nation when all hopes were lost during the civil war, please surprise Nigeria again in Jesus name. Genesis 22:14
11. Father, by your divine power, please move Nigeria forward in Jesus name,2 Peter 1:3
12. Father, open the window of heaven over Nigeria for the sake of the elect in Jesus name. Malachi 3:10
13. Father, we have no power of our own, we cry to you, please bring rest to Nigeria in Jesus name. Matthew 11:28
14. Father, let the season of harvest begin in Nigeria in Jesus name. Genesis 8:22
15. Father, arise and let the oppressors of Nigeria begin to eat their flesh and be drinking their own blood in Jesus name, Isaiah 49:26
16. Father, arise and overturn, overturn and overturn until the oppressors are no more in Nigeria in Jesus name, Eze. 21:27.
17. Father, for your name sake arise and deliver the economy of Nigeria from the hands of the wicked in Jesus name, Isaiah 37:35.
18. Father, arise and completely destroy both internal and external oppressors of Nigeria in Jesus name
19. Father, dethrone and arrest every evil political leader that is enthrone for the purpose of enslaving citizens of Nigeria. 1ST Sam. 15:28.
20. Father in the name of Jesus, remove evil representatives from all leadership position in Nigeria. 1st Sam. 16:1
BIBLE TEXT(s): GENESIS 37:15 -18
The life of a man is not in himself. Jeremiah 10:23. For any man to reach the peak of his destiny there is need for the guidance of the Almighty.
1. Father I thank you for your hand that is mighty upon our nation Nigeria up to this day in Jesus Name.
2. Father I thank you because we still have people working according to your commandments in Nigeria, in Jesus Name. Psalm 119:1.
3. We admit as Nigeria that we have sin by not following your guidance and direction, please have mercy upon us in the name of Jesus. 1 John. 1:9
4. Father; Please guide and direct us again in our nation, we will serve you for the rest of our life in the name of Jesus. Psalm 46:1-3
5. Father; guide and direct us on how to resist the powers of darkness that have been release into our nation Nigeria in the name of Jesus. Matthew 18:18, James 4:7
6. Father. Without you we can do nothing, please guide our nation to keep your testimony and work in your way in Jesus name. Psalm 119:2
7. Father; help our nation Nigeria to keep your command and to work in keeping thy precepts diligently in the name of Jesus. Psalm 119:4
8. Father; guide our nation Nigeria to always trust you with all our heart in thy name of Jesus. Proverb 3:5
9. Father; help our nation Nigeria never to lean on our own understanding but always acknowledge you in the name of Jesus. Proverb 3:5.
10. Father help our nation Nigeria never to be wise in our own eyes but to fear you and depart from evil in the name of Jesus. Proverb 3:7
11. Father, give Nigerians the right attitude to handle trials coming their ways not to lose the Crown of glory that follows in Jesus name.
12. Father; the meek you will guide in judgment: and teach your way; give Nigerians a humble and a teachable heart in Jesus name. Psa25:9
13. The brothers of Joseph took away his coat of many colours, but were not able to take away the garment of his glory; I pray that trials of life will not rip all our brethren their glory in Jesus name. Genesis 45:1-8
14. As brothers of Joseph were not able to abort his dream, I pray that all our nation Nigeria’s ambition and God given dreams shall not be aborted in Jesus name.
15. Father, as Joseph was connected in the prison, guide and connect us with the helpers of our destiny in Jesus name.
16. Father, give our divine helpers a reminder and a push that will propel them to deliver their mandate concerning us in Jesus name. Genesis 41:9-15
17. I destroy the power of every dream killer operating against Nigeria’s good and godly dreams in Jesus name. 2king 6:11-20
18. Father; lead Nigeria in the path of righteousness for your name sake in Jesus name. Psa 23:2
19. Father, we want to see and experience your glory in Nigeria again as you reveal yourself to Moses in Jesus name. 1Ki_19:12
20. Father, release afresh to us, the power to keep your word in our heart not to sin in Jesus name. Psa 119:11
21. Father, guide our nation Nigeria by the light of the word in all our ways in Jesus name. Psa 119: 105
Wall is a structure put in place to prevent access. It demarcates a place and make it invisible for any one on the other side. While gate is the point of entry into a place which can be opened to allow access and can be closed to prevent access, it can serve both positive and negative purposes. Jos. 6:1. RCCG NOVEMBER 2020 FASTING PRAYER POINTS FOR 30 DAYS – Download PDF
1. Father, we thank you for your mercy over Nigeria. Lam. 3:22.
2. Father, we thank you for your loving kindness over Nigeria
3. Father, we thank you for your good plan for Nigeria. Jer,29:11.
4. Father, arise and collapse every wall of oppression in Nigeria
5. Father, let every wall of disunity in Nigeria collapse in Jesus name. 1 Corin.3:4.
6. Father, arise and destroy every wall of poverty in Nigeria. 2. Kings 6:25.
7. Father, arise and destroy every wall promoting corruption in Nigeria. Gen. 31:7
8. Father, let every wall of stagnation fall flat in Jesus name. Exo. 14:15.
9. Father, let the wall of hatred in Nigeria fall flat now in Jesus name. Gen. 27:41
10. Father, let the power that fell the wall of Jericho destroy every evil wall of tribalism in Nigeria in Jesus name. Jos. 6:20.
11. Father, arise and destroy every evil wall preventing the spread of the gospel in Nigeria
12. Father, arise and destroy every ancient gate hindering the progress of Nigeria. Psalms 24:7-10
13 Father, arise and destroy every prison gate of the enemies against Nigeria. Acts 12:5-7.
14. Father, arise and destroy every evil gate preventing us from possessing our possessions in Nigeria. Obadiah 17.
15. Father, arise and destroy every keeper of evil gate against our progress in Nigeria
16. Father, by your power, be a wall of fire round us in Nigeria. Zach. 2:5.
17. Father, be a wall of defence roundabout Nigeria. Psalms 7:10.
18. Father, destroy every denominational wall hindering your purpose for the church in Nigeria. 1 Corinthians 3:4.
19. Father, you are the Lord of host, build a wall of fire to shield your Church against external aggressors in Nigeria. Heb. 12:29.
20. Father, open the floodgates of revival to all nations of the world. Acts 4:29-33. 10:3-5.
BIBLE TEXT(S): MATHEW 5:37, PSALMS 15:4, 25:12-14.
Integrity is the ability to be pure and transparent in speech and character. The fear of God is obedient to God at all times and unconditionally. For us to have the new Nigeria of our dream, we must possess these qualities.
1. Father, we thank you for your mercy that endure for ever, Psalms 136:1.
2. Father, we thank you for your protection over Nigeria
3. Father, we thank you because you are the creator of Nigeria Gen. 1:1, John 1:3.
4. Father, let your fear be in the heart of our leaders in Nigeria
5. Father, let your fear be the foundation of the judiciary in Nigeria
6. Father, let your fear eradicate all forms of oppression in Nigeria
7. Father, let your fear terminate inequality in Nigeria
8. Father, let your fear guide electioneering process in Nigeria
9. Father, let your fear guide in the making and implementation of policies in Nigeria
10. Father, let your fear guide all the activities of all our public officers in Nigeria
11. Father, let integrity and your fear characterize our public service in Nigeria
12. Father, let Integrity and your fear be the parameters for awarding and supervising contracts in our public offices in Nigeria
13. Father, we ask for the spirit of contentment in Nigeria
14. Father, cast out of Nigeria every spirit of falsehood in Jesus name
15. Father, release the spirit of boldness to be transparent in all things upon every one of us in Nigeria in Jesus name
16. Father, release the grace to always stand by the truth upon us in Nigeria in Jesus name
17. Father, we nullify every law and policy that defies the fear of God in Nigeria in Jesus name. Isaiah: 8:9-10
18. Father, let your fear drives away all forms of insincerity from Nigeria in Jesus name
19. Father, let your fear deliver us from all forms of evils, like immorality, rape, kidnapping, killings in Nigeria in Jesus name
20. Father, let integrity and the fear of God be our watchword in Nigeria in Jesus name
BIBLE TEXT(S): MATTHEW 28:19-20; 4:19, LUK 10:2
INTRODUCTION: It is the desire of our Lord Jesus for the church to grow because the harvest is great but many obstacles and factors are preventing this promise from coming to pass. We need to stand against these obstacles in our prayers.
1. Father, we thank you for the early revival of the church, which brought about explosive church growth, in Jesus name. Acts 2:47
2. Father, we thank you for taking RCCG from 44 parishes in Nigeria to over 190 countries all over the world, in Jesus name. Genesis 9:19
3. Father, we thank you for the salvation of many souls who were on their way to hell, but you have saved them Mat 16:18
4. Father, we thank you for making several accesses to many unreached lands, in Jesus name. Exodus 14:21 – 22
5. Father, we thank you for all your missionaries who left their families and countries to dangerous parts of the world to preach boldly the message of salvation to perishing souls, in Jesus name. Mat 28:19-20, Mat 4:19
6. Father, let the power of the Holy Ghost manifest in your church like the olden days, in Jesus name. Acts 23: 6 – 7
7. Father, cover your church and let the blood of Jesus, speak for your church, in Jesus name. Hebrew 12:24
8. Father, let your fire of deliverance be rekindled in your church, in Jesus name. Obadiah 1:17.
9. Father, uproot every plant you planted not in your church. Matt 15:13.
10. Father, every ungodly that has penetrated to the position of authority in the church expose and disgrace them in Jesus name. Matt 7:15
11. Father, every ungodly power working against church growth be consumed by the fire of Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Matthew 12:30
12. Lord, give your church divine direction, in Jesus name. Psalm 23:2
13. Father, sow into our churches, ideas, knowledge, strategies, and wisdom we need to move your church forward in Jesus name. Eph 1:17.
14. Oh Lord wake us up from our slumber to do your work of church growth as You desire and instruct us in Jesus name. Ezra 1:3.
15. Father raise end time ministers that will fulfil your mandate for church growth in Jesus name. Joel 2:28
16. Father expose every Jezebel spirit in your church working against the growth of the church, in Jesus name. Rev 2:20
17. Father send helpers to build your church, in Jesus name. Ezra 7:6
18. Father give your church the heart of fervent and persistent prayer, in Jesus name. Acts 12:5
19. Every power working against the finance of the church to limit growth be wasted by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Acts 5:3
20. Jesus, you are the head of the church, arise and help your church – RCCG. Psalm 91:1
BIBLE TEXT(s): EXODUS 5:1-2, EXODUS 12:29-32, ACTS 3:1-10.
Manifestation of God’s power naturally brings conviction. Pharaoh doubted God in Exodus 5:1-2 but he bowed after he encountered the power of God Exodus 12:29-32. Whenever impossible becomes possible, like the case at the beautify Gate, Acts 3:1-10), then the glory of God manifests.
1. Father, thank you, the world is full of your wonders in Jesus name.
2. Father. I thank you for the manifestation of your glory that the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus have brought to the world
3. Lord. I thank you for salvation of souls of Nigerians in readiness for manifestation of your glory in Nigeria.
4. Father; we thank you for manifestation of your power we have experienced in Nigeria.
5. Father, let there be greater manifestation of your power all over Nigeria in Jesus Name
6. Father, pure down the spirit of healing, that Nigeria will become the final point for anyone seeking healing all over the world.
7. Father; Let your light shine in Nigeria that everyone will give glory to your name in Jesus name. Matt 5:16
8. Father, let the spirit of holiness cover Nigeria as water covers the sea.
9. My father, make my life a wonder to my generation in Jesus name.
10. Except by signs and miracles, many will not believe, Father restore the era of sign, miracles and wonder in Nigeria in Jesus name
11. Father show all that oppress the innocent ones in Nigeria your power to stop their oppression in Jesus name.
12. Father, terminate the activities of the insurgents in Nigeria by manifestation of your power in Jesus name.
13. Father, by your power, convert all the leaders of the insurgents to evangelists in Nigeria in Jesus name.
14. Father, by your power, let all the kidnappers surrender to your lordship and serve you as you converted Saul who became Paul in Jesus name.
15. Father, manifest your glory in Nigeria through a revival that will shake the whole world in Jesus name.
16. Father, anoint me so that enemies will see me and run in Jesus name.
17. Father, let holiness become a lifestyle in this nation in Jesus Name.
18. Father, demonstrate your power in Nigeria that people will come from all over the world to encounter you in Jesus name.
19. Father, through the manifestations of signs and miracles in Nigeria, let more unbelievers believe you and be saved in Jesus name.
20. Father, there are still many Pharaohs and Herod’s of our time, Lord demonstrate your power on them and be glorified in Jesus name.
1. Reflect on Rom 7:7-25, Rom 8:14, then answer and resolve the question; am I walking in the Spirit?
2. Reflect on Matt 7; 13-14, Deu. 30:16 and answer and resolve the question; have I found the way and walking in it?
3. Thank God for answered to all your prayers and hope of a New Nigeria
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