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Samtone – Ori Mi Mp3 Download

Gospel music singer/realist and songwriter, Samtone offers up a brand new inspirational song titled “Ori Mi.”

The Yoruba [a language widely spoken in the southwestern region of Nigeria] which simply translates to mean “My Head” in the English language is a declarative prayer song.

With an Afro-centric vibe, the song is a motivational and prayer song to God seeking his help to thrive and excel in life.

According to Samtone, he says, “This is a song borne out of self-determination to become somebody in life even if you don’t know anybody.”

“It is an inspirational,  motivational, and a daily prayer song that will keep you going irrespective of the negative situation around you” – He adds

“Ori Mi” comes after Samtone’s successful debut release tagged “Out of The Depth of My Heart.”

The song is produced by Spiritual Beat

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