Shekinah – Many Reasons

Amazing gospel singer and minister, Shekinah offers up a brand new single tagged “Many Reasons,” accompanied by an animated lyric video.
“Many reasons” is a song for everyone who is truly grateful to God for all he has done, and for what he is doing and will still do.
“There are things the Lord does for you that just leaves you speechless. Gratitude is the best response to these amazing works in our lives.“ – she says.
The song is produced by Omonuga.
Shekinah Many Reasons
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If I start to count
Ile asu ile amo
(It will be from sunset to sunrise)
For the many things, Jehovah has done
Am grateful lord
Am grateful lord
Your tender mercies showed up for me
Your lovingkindness is all I see
Am grateful lord
Am grateful lord
Oh my soul
Oh my soul
Oh my soul
Praise the lord
Many many reasons I have to praise
The lord (praise the lord)
Many many reasons I have
To praise the lord Jehovah
(praise the lord)
If I start to count
Ile asu ile amo
(It will be from sunset to sunrise)
For the many things, Jehovah has done
Am grateful lord
Am grateful lord
Your tender mercies showed up for me
Your lovingkindness is all I see
Am grateful lord
Am grateful lord
oh my soul