Signs And Wonders – Abi Megaplus Ft Yetunde Are Zion

Seasoned Gospel music minister Abi Mgaplus has finally drop her most anticipated song tittle Signs And Wonders Featuring the popular Worship leader and praise machine Yetunde Are Zion.
“The Song Birthed from the word of God in Isaiah 8 verse 18: “Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and Wonders in Israel from the Lord of host which dwelleth in Mount Zion”
It is all about your confession and declaration as well as exercising your faith and encouraging someone out there to look beyond their present situation and confess positivity into the atmosphere knowing fully well that whatever you believe and confess is what you will receive.
I thank God for the life of my sister Zion Yetunde Are whom I approached to feature in the song and she gave me enormous support and an unshakable dedication towards the finalizing and releasing of the song of which I am grateful for.
Embed yourself in the spirit ,get your self addicted with the song and overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and by the word of your testimony.” Abi Megaplus
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