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Solomon Lange – Imela [ Lyrics + mp3 Download ]


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There is a new song in my heart today
A song of praise in my mouth today
You’ve added another day onto my days
You’ve added another year onto my years
You’ve picked me from a miry clay
To set me up on The Rock to stay
You turned my life around, you put a new song in my mouth

Haleluya Hosanna (Ei a)
Jehovah we give you all the glory (Imela eh) [Thank you] Messiah we give you all the glory (Imela eh) [Thank you] Jehovah we give you all the glory (Imela eh) [Thank you] Messiah we give you adoration (Imela eh) [Thank you]

Jehovah Jireh, you’ve been faithful through the years
You are my El Shaddai you supply all my needs
My glory, and the lifter of my head
My shield and my exeedingly great reward
You turn my mourning into dancing
You turn my sorrow into joy
You turn my darkness into light
You put a new song in my mouth

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