[Music] Open Door – Ykdavids

Nigerian Gospel singer and “Oba Ayeraye” crooner, Ykdavids is here again with another soulful and prayerful song to the Creator of the universe titled “Open Door”.
As the song implies, ‘Open Door’ is a deep and passionate prayer song to God who knows our works, who sees our weaknesses and He alone who has the power to open doors of goodness and more to those who believe in Him and do not deny His name.
Produced by Tyanx, Open Door is a song for everyone seeking God’s face for the open door of endless goodness’s breakthroughs and successes as the heart desires; to communicate to God with the effective prayer lyrics of the song.
The totality of the song justifies the embedded heartfelt emotions of one who truly believes only God can do what no man can do. Open Door! – Ykdavids.
Ykdavids Open Door
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