Franni Rae Cash Cain Of We The Kingdom Opens Up About Her Mental Health Journey

Franni Rae Cash Cain of We The Kingdom opened up for the first time publicly about her mental health, generously sharing both vulnerability and encouragement.
The singer and songwriter shared about a dark time in her life when she endured spiritual abuse, which she coped with through self-harm. Depression and anxiety followed. But as Franni shared in an honest conversation on the Trevor Talks podcast, “Wherever the enemy attacks us the greatest, is where God wants to use us the greatest.”
Ultimately, Franni’s journey into healing came through spending time immersed in God’s presence, and through the support of her band members— who also happen to be her family. The result has been a steady focus for We The Kingdom on truly caring for each others’ wellbeing. The band even goes to counseling together. That’s a focus that sustains Franni even through the process of touring, which she candidly reveals can often be much more difficult than people realize. For Franni, she’s come to recognize her anxious thoughts as warning signs, to tend to those thoughts before they take over.
“I’m learning about healthy rhythms to just not feel like it’s this crazy thing that’s overtaking my life, but to keep an eye on it,” Franni explains. “I give myself grace, learn these rhythms to keep myself healthy.”
We The Kingdom recently released their latest album, a live project titled Live At Ocean Way Nashville. Franni Rae Cash Cain is part of We The Kingdom alongside her father Ed Cash, brother Martin Cash, uncle Scott Cash, and longtime family friend Andrew Bergthold. The new album is available at
You can listen to the full conversation with Franni on Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube.
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