DOWNLOAD MP3: REIGNING WITH CHRIST by Apostle Joshua Selman (Chant)

Christians share in the anointing that Jesus enjoys as the Christ, the anointed one. Therefore, every believer fulfills the prophetic, priestly, and kingly roles for which our Savior has been anointed. In a sense, we are all prophets called to proclaim God’s Word, priests ordained to offer ourselves as sacrifices, and kings enthroned to war against the Lord’s enemies and help expand His kingdom. Apostle Paul outlines the incredible truth that those who persevere in faith are truly united to Christ and will live and reign with Him forever. We may not often think of ourselves as kings and queens who will rule over creation, but this consequence of our redemption flows directly from who the Lord made us to be and what salvation accomplishes in repairing His broken images. God made us to have dominion over creation, to rule it for His glory. You cannot afford to miss this powerful teaching.
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