DOWNLOAD MP3: Divine Timing by Apostle AROME Osayi (Sermon)

Every tree you see today that bears fruit, started as a seed in the soil. Before that seed could germinate, it had to die first in the soil before the seed begins to germinate. Likewise, in believers, for them to bear fruits in whatever capacity they find themselves in the kingdom work, they also have to go through the process of dying in order for them to grow. In this process of dying it is the time where they have to go through process of breaking and remolding. It is a rigorous process that every believer needs to patiently go through if they will ever grow. When the process of dying is complete, the believer can begin to grow and bear fruits. At this level it is not just about bearing fruits, it is about bearing fruits that will outlive the the bearer. Download this powerful message to no the Secrets of bearing much fruits.
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