Download VIDEO: Victoria Orenze – Virtual Ministration

Download VIDEO: Victoria Orenze – Virtual Ministration
Watch the new live video “Virtual Ministration” by Victoria Orenze.
Here is another content that will help you think deeply and GIVE THANKS. We give thanks for What we have, what we don’t have, what is working and what is not working prayers answered and those we are still trusting the Lord to answer, what is good and what is not good, the failures and the victories, the appointments and the disappointments, in all things scripture says we should GIVE THANKS.
The reason we give thanks is because we do not know it all, and many times we come to realize that God was actually working out that disappointment for our good.
Jesus gave thanks and multiplied bread and fishes, He also gave thanks and lazarus was raised from the dead.
So i challenge you right now, wherever you are, whatever situation you are in just GIVE THNKS and see impossible doors open for you.
Victoria Orenze Virtual Ministration