Mariannah Y Diego Release New Song Of Encounter

Electronic modern worshippers Mariannah y Diego announce the release of their new modern worship song, “Consume Mi Alma,” on Aug. 6, 2021. It’s the fifth single from the Spanish-language duo’s forthcoming second album, …y Continuamos (“…and we continue”).
The new song title translates to English as “consume my soul,” and was written as a response to a time of personal encounter with the Lord.
“I wrote this song after a long night of prayer, where I felt the Spirit taking over,” recalls Diego Archer, the duo’s producer, multi-instrumentalist and background vocalist. “And I needed to describe these feelings, so I wrote the music, the arrangement and the chorus lyrics.”
The next day he showed the song to his collaborator, Mariannah Aguilera — who lives in Havana, Cuba. She completed the lyrics, using her own experiences with the Holy Spirit.
“This song speaks about inviting God into our hearts, and to take over,” says Archer. “This song is meant to bring people back to spiritual clarity. Wherever God’s love reigns, everything around falls into place.”
Like all the other songs by Mariannah y Diego, “Consume Mi Alma” is sung in Spanish by Aguilera, as an outreach to encourage and edify Latin communities in the U.S. and abroad. But even for their listeners who don’t speak Spanish, Mariannah y Diego’s new song aims to communicate peace and encounter.
“It was important to arrange the instruments in such a way that the listener feels like they’re floating in the air and inviting peace into their heart,” Archer says. “All we hope for is for the song to be a vessel for an encounter with the Holy Spirit and God’s Love.”
Mariannah y Diego plan to keep releasing the remaining six singles from “…y Continuamos” throughout 2021 before releasing the album as a collection. And they’re already well into work on their third album, “Con Amigos,” which features collaborations with a number of famous Latin American artists.
To listen to “Consume mi Alma” on your favorite streaming platform, or to learn more about Mariannah y Diego, visit their website at