Lilian Nneji
List of Songs by Lilian Nneji [Download Mp3, Audio, Video, Lyrics, Biography]

Anointed Music Minister Lilian Nneka Nneji popularly known as Lilian Nneji, is a Nigerian Female Gospel singer, songwriter, worship leader, and recording artist. Lilian, an Energetic Praise Leader was born on (July, 18) She is the 5th child in a family of six children and from IMO State Nigerian,
She has written several songs, which have brought joy to many, telling of the importance of serving God and living a life of holiness. Lilian Nneji released her first album Titled Anointed Praise (Praise Medley) in 2011, she believes in writing from her heart and knowing what the Spirit of God is saying to the Church.
She’s Popularly known for her igbo songs rendition at the Rccg monthly programs
Lilian Nneji Discography………..
Ko Joo
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Odogwu N’agha
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I’m in Love
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