DOWNLOAD MP3: A VOICE IS NEEDED By Apostle Ezekiel Adenipekun(sermon)

The instrument of God to man is man. During their exodus, God called the Israelite together so as to speak to them and that they may know him personally. It was unfortunate that the congregation of people cannot bear the thundering and trembling voice of God so they sent Moses to speak to God on their behalves and the words from Moses mouth become the voice of God. In every generation of mankind, God always have carrier of His word and vessels of His Glory. Through these people God made His power known, His glory proclaimed and kingdom established. It is a glorious thing to be God’s voice in a generation as this make life worthwhile and meaningful. You cannot just be silent and be mute, you need to be a representative of God wherever you find yourself. Download this message below to know how to access the voice of God and become His voice to Humanity in your generation.
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