Audio: Jesus Take The Wheel | PrinceWill @Agbazue_prince

New Artiste, Princewill has released a new single titled ”Jesus Take The Wheel”.
Sharing the inspiration behind the song, he said;
”In my journey of serving Christ doing, what I was called to do hasn’t been easy all the years but Gods grace kept me, There where times I thought he was silent on me but I realized I was doing things my own way I believed in my ability to conquer forgetting that he has been the one winning my battles for me. One faithful day i was praying concerning some things then I felt a strong presence and then normally you would expect a spiritual answer but he dropped a song in my spirit instead “Jesus take the wheel’ was born.. The song really changed a lot in my life and I bless God for He always shows Himself mighty in my life. The song is a testimony and I believe He didn’t put it in my heart just for Me.
My deep gratitude goes to the Holy Spirit then to some amazing human elements -Beryl Ehondor for being part of the song, My blessed producer Mr Amadin ihegie, The man behind the beautiful art work Mr Benjamin Efekarurhobo, Nkere awaji Benjamin and Eri Ifeoluwa”. – Princewill
Enjoy, download and share this song God literally laid hands on this one!
Jesus take the wheel by Princewill.