Happy 14th years anniversary Johnwealth Music [Best Music distribution company in the world]

Happy 14th years anniversary Johnwealth Music
Its has been an awesome 14 years treading on the part of PROMOTING and MARKETING of only gospel music (content),
we give God the Glory…
May God give us the Grace to continue to be reliable and honest in all our dealings as usual…
our GOAL;
To preach the gospel through music,
To put gospel music on every home …
To be one of the best promoting and marketing distribution company in the world…
To own a gospel Record label, TV and Radio station..
Want to say a big thank you to everyone who in one way or the other has contributed to our growth..
Thanks to our amazing client’s, costumers , family and friends.
Can’t mention names because of space… We appreciate and celebrate YOU ..
Happy 14th years anniversary to us..
#UnlimitedGrace #uncommonfavours #GospelMusicInEveryHome