DOWNLOAD MP3: THE POWER OF MEDITATION by Bishop David Oyedepo (Sermon)

Meditation is a God ordained way to use the Scripture. Meditation sounds simple. But it takes discipline to remain still in body and mind. You have to block out the world around you and quiet your thoughts. Numerous verses refer to the importance of meditating on the Word and God’s character, one of the scriptures is: O how I love Your Law! It is my meditation all the day. Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever mine, Scripture meditation is so essential, no wonder the Bible speaks of it so much, methods may work for some but a short verse and saying it over and over, does not become tiresome or boring, but God begins healing the mind and heart. Meditate upon the word of God day and night and you shall have good success. To experience the power of meditation you must wait upon the help of the holy spirit to help you out.
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